Additional steps for enabling the CICS transaction invocation procedure

The CICS® transaction invocation stored procedure, DSNACICS, invokes CICS server programs.

Before you begin

Start of changeBefore you complete these steps, either install the DB2®-supplied routines during migration or install the DB2-supplied routines during installation.End of change


To enable the CICS transaction invocation procedure:

  1. Optional: Start of changeSet up a WLM application environment specifically for running DSNACICS.

    Although DSNACICS can run in a WLM address space with other stored procedures, DSNACICS performs better if it runs in its own address space.

    Recommendation: Start of changeIf you do not have a WLM environment defined to run this routine, use DB2 core WLM environment DSNWLM_CICS.End of change
    End of change
  2. Create or modify the JCL startup procedure for the stored procedure address space for running DSNACICS.

    Start of changeIf you ran installation job DSNTIJMV, such a sample startup procedure has been created in your SYS1.PROCLIB data set. The generic name of the procedure is DSNWLMC. The CICS data set names in the procedure are based on the values that you specified on panel DSNTIPW. If needed, you can modify this startup procedure.End of change

    If you did not run installation job DSNTIJMV or the part of it that creates this startup procedure, run the job now. You can also use the sample startup procedure in the job as a model to create your own startup procedure.