

The amount of space allowed for processing LOB values by a user has been exceeded. The amount of space allowed per user is indicated by panel DSNTIPD.

System action

The operation is not allowed. DB2® returns "resource not available" to its invoker.

System programmer response

If possible, increase the value of subsystem parameter LOBVALA.

Problem determination

The requested operation is not performed. An SQLCODE -904 is issued. Message DSNT500I or message DSNT501I might also be issued.

Collect the following diagnostic items:
  • Console output from the system on which the job was run, and a listing of the SYSLOG data set for the period of time that spans the failure.
  • SVC dump (or system dump), taken to SYS1.DUMPxx data set, as result of an operator-initiated dump command or SLIP trap exit.
  • Listing of SYS1.LOGREC data set, obtained by executing IFCEREP1.