Working with dashboards

consolecli commands for working with dashboards.

ListDashboards [--viewList view_unique_name1, view_unique_name2] [--customizeDashboards true|false]
List all dashboards. You can optionally filter the list by using the viewlist parameter and providing a comma separated list of views. You can also use the customizeDashboards (set totrue) to return a list of custom dashboards only.
ListDashboardsForRole --roleName role_name
List the dashboards associated with a specified role.
MapDashboardsToRole --username console_username --password console_user_password --roleName role_name --dashboardList dashboard_unique_name1, dashboard_unique_name2 --accessLevelList level1, level2
Associate a comma separated list of dashboards with a particular role and set the access level for the role for each dashboard.
RemoveDashboardsFromRole --username console_username --password console_user_password --roleName role_name --dashboardList dashboard_unique_name1, dashboard_unique_name2
Disassociate a comma separated list of dashboards from a particular role.