Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.2

tacmd createNode


Use the tacmd createNode command to deploy an OS agent to a remote computer. This command also creates a node, the directory into which not only the OS agent is installed, but where any non-OS agents are deployed. The node is created on the local computer if no host is specified.

  1. On UNIX® computers, you must run the tacmd createNode command as a root user.
  2. Use tacmd createNode to deploy an OS agent when there are no OS agents already on the target computer. Attempting to deploy multiple OS agents on the same computer can cause unpredictable results.
  3. Only ssh version 2 communication protocol is supported, ssh version 1 is not supported.
  4. When using this command to deploy a Monitoring Agent for Windows®, you must specify a user that has Administrator privileges on the remote computer. Local user accounts must be specified. Domain user accounts in the form of "user@domain" or "domain\user" are not supported.

CLI syntax

tacmd createNode [{-h|--host} [{smb|ssh|rexec|rsh}://]host[:port]]
                  [{-u|--username} username [{-w|--password} password]]
                  [{-o|--option|--options} name=value ...]
                  [{-d|--dir|--directory} nodedir]
                  [{-i|--imagePath} imagepath]
                  [{-p|--property|--properties} name=value ...]


-h|--host [{smb|ssh|rexec|rsh}://]host[:port]
Identifies the computer on which to create a node. Optionally, a specific connection protocol and a port can be specified. By default, all supported protocols are attempted until a connection is successfully established on one of them.
u|--username username
A valid user on the specified target system.
On UNIX computers, you must run the tacmd createNode command as a root user. When using this command to deploy a Monitoring Agent for Windows, you must specify a user that has Administrator privileges on the remote computer. Local user accounts must be specified. Domain user accounts in the form of "user@domain" or "domain\user" are not supported.
-w|--password password
The password for the specified user ID. You can specify a file that contains multiple passwords, one per line. Each password is tried, in the order specified, until a connection is successfully established.
-o|--option|--options name=value ...
One or more configuration parameters that can be used to customize the operation of this command. You can use the following options:
The full path to an SSH private key file that, when specified, is used to authenticate with the specified remote computer (which must already have been configured to accept the private key). Use KEYFILE when the SSH protocol is, or might be, in use, and you want to use non-login based authentication.
Use this option in conjunction with the KEYFILE option to enable the specification of the passphrase (if any) that was used to encrypt the private key file.

If you use the actual passphrase in this command, that passphrase is visible in the process table for the current computer, where anyone on can access it. If access to the computer is restricted to only trusted personnel, this is not an issue.

However, if you need to provide the passphrase but do not want to publish the passphrase, instead of using the passphrase as the option value, specify the path to a secured local file that contains the passphrase.

A positive integer that indicates the maximum amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the current node creation to complete. If the node creation exceeds this time limit, then the node creation operation ends, and an error message is displayed. The default value is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
In the event that a timeout is triggered, the node creation on the remote host might continue and complete successfully. However, if the timeout is exceeded, createNode does not wait for results to be returned from the remote host and reports a failure.
A positive integer that indicates the maximum amount of time, in seconds, to wait for a successful connection through each communications protocol being used to connect to the specified remote computer. The default value is 60 seconds.
Defines a temporary directory to use during the deployment of the agent. By default, the itmcmd createNode command uses the /tmp directory. Use the TEMP=temp_dir option if your /tmp directory does not have enough space to accommodate the temporary files needed for agent deployment.
-d|--dir|--directory nodedir
The location on the remote computer where you want to create the node. This location must be specified as a directory, in absolute path format.
-i|--imagepath imagepath
The location on the local monitoring server in which to look for the installation image for this OS agent.
-p|--property|--properties name =value ...
A list of property names and values needed to configure the new OS agent. Values can differ per operating system.

You can use the following properties for all operating systems:

A Boolean flag that indicates whether or not to use SSL encryption for node communication with the monitoring server. By default, encryption is enabled for all communications. Accepted values are NO and YES.
The text to be used to encrypt the SSL communications. This value must match the same value that was specified for the monitoring server encryption.
The full path to a file that provides network name/address translation that is valid for the current computer.
The full path to a file that provides network name/address translation that is valid for the current computer.
Specifies the primary communications protocol used between the node and the monitoring server. Accepted values are IP.UDP, IP.PIPE, IP.SPIPE, SNA.
Specifies a secondary communications protocol to use between the node and the monitoring server. Accepted values are IP.UDP, IP.PIPE, IP.SPIPE, SNA.
Specifies a third communications protocol to use between the node and the monitoring server. Accepted values are IP.UDP, IP.PIPE, IP.SPIPE, SNA.
The port number to use for the current monitoring server communications protocol. The defaults are the following:
  • IP.UDP = 1918
  • IP.PIPE = 1918
  • IP.SPIPE = 3660
  • SNA = n/a
The specified port number must match the port number being used by the monitoring server.
Enables you to specify a specific monitoring server. The default value is the monitoring server from which you are running createNode. This property accepts an option URL-style format, which enables you to specify the primary communication protocol and port number:
The Systems Network Architecture primary network name.
The Systems Network Architecture one to eight character log mode name.
The Systems Network Architecture primary logical unit name.
The Systems Network Architecture transaction program specification. Accepted values are SNASOCKETS (default), KDCLLBD, KDTMSNAP.QAUTOMON.
A Boolean flag used to indicate whether or not to use a secondary (back up) monitoring server for this node. By default, no backup is specified. Accepted values are NO and YES.
BSERVER =backup_msname
Specifies a backup monitoring server.
Specifies the primary communications protocol used between the node and the secondary monitoring server. Accepted values are IP.UDP, IP.PIPE, IP.SPIPE, SNA.
Specifies a secondary communications protocol to use between the node and the secondary monitoring server. Accepted values are IP.UDP, IP.PIPE, IP.SPIPE, SNA.
Specifies a third communications protocol to use between the node and the secondary monitoring server. Accepted values are IP.UDP, IP.PIPE, IP.SPIPE, SNA.
The port number to use for the secondary monitoring server communications protocol. The defaults are the following:
  • IP.UDP = 1918
  • IP.PIPE = 1918
  • IP.SPIPE = 3660
  • SNA = n/a
The specified port number must match the port number being used by the monitoring server.
The Systems Network Architecture primary network name for the secondary monitoring server.
The Systems Network Architecture one to eight character log mode name for the secondary monitoring server.
The Systems Network Architecture primary logical unit name for the secondary monitoring server.
The Systems Network Architecture transaction program specification for the secondary monitoring server. Accepted values are SNASOCKETS (default), KDCLLBD, KDTMSNAP.QAUTOMON.

The following parameter applies only to Windows computers:

The name of the folder under which to place the node components. This is the folder name that is displayed in the Start menu.

The following parameter applies only to Linux® and UNIX computers:

Indicates a specific IP address for the node to bind to on multi-homed computers.
Eliminates any interactive prompting.

CLI example

This example installs the OS agent in the /opt/IBM/ITM directory on stone.ibm.com. The installation is performed as root.

   tacmd createNode -h stone.ibm.com -d /opt/IBM/ITM -u root

This example installs the OS agent on the Windows system stone2.ibm.com. The installation is performed as the user Administrator.

tacmd createNode -h stone2.ibm.com -u Administrator

Return values

See Table 2.

Related commands

tacmd addSystem


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