Configuring an OpenID Connect Provider to accept JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authorization grants

You can configure a Liberty server that acts as an OpenID Connect Provider to accept a JSON Web Token in exchange for an access token.

About this task

You can configure a Liberty server that acts as an OpenID Connect Provider to accept JSON Web Tokens by enabling the openidConnectServer-1.0 and transportSecurity-1.0 features in Liberty, and in addition to other optional configuration information.


  1. Ensure the transportSecurity-1.0 and openidConnectServer-1.0 features are included in the feature manifest in the server.xml file.
  2. Optional: Configure a jwtGrantType element inside of the appropriate oauthProvider element. The jwtGrantType element is optional. If no jwtGrantType element is included, the default values for all attributes are used; for example:
    <oauthProvider id="OAuthConfigSample" ...>
        <jwtGrantType clockSkew="5m" iatRequired="false" tokenMaxLifetime="120m" maxJtiCacheSize="10000"/>

    For more JWT configuration options, see the section for the jwtGrantType element in the OpenID Connect Provider topic.