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Installing Liberty developer tools and (optionally) Liberty

The developer tools for Liberty are available as part of the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse. WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse is a lightweight set of tools for developing, assembling, and deploying Java™ EE, OSGi, Web 2.0, and mobile applications to WebSphere Application Server.

About this task

To install WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse, see Installing WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse.

What to do next

After you install the developer tools, you can optionally install WebSphere Application Server WebSphere Application Server Liberty. The developer tools can install Liberty for you when you create a server for the first time. For more information about installing Liberty by using the developer tools, see Creating a Liberty server by using developer tools.

To learn more about Liberty Core, see WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core overview.