Creating and customizing help information

As part of customizing IBM® Case Manager for your users, you can modify the online help files or add your own help files.

About this task

The help system for IBM Case Manager uses the formatting of Eclipse plug-ins to display content. The help files are created in Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) XML and converted to XHTML and use a cascading style sheet named swg_info_common.css.

By default, all help files are installed in the following location: IBM Case Manager_installation_directory/help/content, but they are copied to the network shared directory when you configure IBM Case Manager.
Important: You must modify the files in the network shared directory for changes to be reflected in the help system.
The location for the network shared directory is specified on the "Set properties for development environment" page in the Create Profile wizard. (This wizard is run from the IBM Case Manager administration client.) For example, if you kept the default value for network shared directory on a Windows server, the help will be in the following location: C:\Program Files\IBM\CaseManagement\configure\properties\help\content\. All changes to the help content are in this directory.