Defining external properties by using the Script Adapter widget

This example shows how to define external properties by using JavaScript in a Script Adapter widget for the Properties widget in Case Client.

About this task


To define external properties by using the Script Adapter widget:

  1. Define an external properties collection in the model layer as a single object.
    For example, provide a collection of property objects:
    var model = {
        properties: {
            "name": {
                id: "name",
                type: "string",
                value: "Rip Van Winkle"
            "age": {
                id: "age",
                type: "integer",
                value: 200
  2. Implement the definition, retrieval, and persistence of external properties by using custom code. Typically, this custom code is implemented in the Script Adapter widget.
    Your custom code can call the bind method of the PropertyCollectionController class, as shown below, to include your external properties collection in the set of properties that are associated with the view. You can bind as many collections as you wish. Specify a unique collection identifier for each collection.
    controller.bind(collectionId, collectionName, model);
    The PropertyCollectionController class supports standard model signatures with which it can bind implicitly. In some cases, your application might need to support a non-standard model signature that is associated with your application. If so, you can provide an Integration object as part of the binding to instruct the controller how to interact with the associated model.
    controller.bind(collectionId, collectionName, model, integration);

    The PropertyCollectionController class automatically updates the state of the model as changes occur within the view.

  3. Set up wiring for the Script Adapter widget.

    It is important to specify an incoming event for the Script Adapter widget that is loaded before the actual widget loads on the page. For example, for the Add Cases page, wire the Script Adapter widget to the Page Container's 'Send new case information' event. Similarly, you can use the Page Container's 'Send case information event' for the Case Details page and the Page Container's 'Send work item' event for the Work Details page. These events allow the Script Adapter widget to execute the JavaScript code so that the external properties are bound to the Properties widget before it is loaded.

  4. Use external properties that are defined by using a model object.
    The following example illustrates the definition of a typical collection of external properties of various data types.
        properties: {
            "description": {
                id: "description",
                name: "Description",
                label: "Description",
                type: "string",
                cardinality: "single",
                value: "description here"
            "price": {
                id: "price",
                name: "Price",
                label: "Price",
                type: "float",
                cardinality: "single",
                value: 22.2
            "booleantest": {
                id: "booleantest",
                name: "booleantest",
                label: "booleantest",
                type: "boolean",
                cardinality: "single"
            "datetimeTEST": {
                id: "datetimeTEST",
                name: "datetimeTEST",
                label: "datetimeTEST",
                type: "datetime",
                cardinality: "single"
            "quantityINT": {
                id: "quantityINT",
                name: "quantityINT",
                label: "quantityINT",
                type: "integer",
                cardinality: "single"
            "total": {
                id: "total",
                name: "Total",
                label: "Total",
                type: "float",
                cardinality: "single",
            "MyMultiInteger": {
                id: "MyMultiInteger",
                type: "integer",
                cardinality: "multi",
                value: [1, 2, 3]
            "multiCategory": {
                id: "multiCategory",
                name: "MultiCategory",
                label: "MultiCategory",
                type: "integer",
                cardinality: "multi",
                choices: [{
                        label: "Small",
                        value: 0
                        label: "Large",
                        value: 1
  5. Create an Integration object.

    Creating a custom Integration object is useful when you are working with a third-party model object with a different signature than the default signature that is supported by the controller. Some examples include an incoming JSON object from a web service or an object from within your existing model layer. You can create a custom Integration object that tells the controller how to map its attributes to fields of the custom object.

    The following script demonstrates how to create the Integration object that is used for such a binding. The bold below shows the parts that are important to note for custom integration configuration.
    // Create the external properties model with the custom model signature.
    var model = {
        props: {
            "PhoneNumber": {
                symbolicName: "PhoneNumber",
                name: “Phone Number”,
                type: "string",
                multiValue: false,
                value: "949-559-2213"
    // Create a custom integration object for the custom model signature.
    var integration = new Integration();
    // Add a binding for the external properties to the controller.
    collectionController.bind("External", "External", model, integration);
    The following script illustrates the custom integration configuration object that is required for the custom integration in the previous script. Typically, this configuration object is implemented in a separate Dojo module. Merge the basic integration configuration before you merge your custom integration configuration as shown in the previous script.
    var customIntegrationConfiguration = {
        bindings: {
            collection: {
                attributes: {
                    properties: {
                    //Get the properties from the "props" member of the model.
                        get: "props"
            property: {
                attributes: {
                    common: {
                        id: {
                             //Get the id from the "symbolicName" member of
                             //the model object.
                             get: "symbolicName"
                              // Compute the cardinality from the "multiValue"
                              //member of the model object.
                              get: function(model) {
                                  return model.multiValue ? "multi" : "single";