Case management REST resource URIs

Each resource in the IBM® Case Manager REST protocol is identified by a unique URI. This URI includes the resource name and any parameters that are required for the specific method that you are calling.


The URI syntax for case management REST resources is as follows:
The variables used in the URI are:
The name of the server that is hosting the IBM Case Manager REST protocol as configured for your web application server.
The host port that is used for IBM Case Manager REST protocol communications as configured for your web application server.
The web application context root for the IBM Case Manager REST protocol as configured for your web application server. By default, this value is set to CaseManager.
The name of the IBM Case Manager REST resource to use.
Any parameters specified for the specified IBM Case Manager REST resource. Use an ampersand (&) to separate multiple parameters.

The IBM Case Manager REST protocol version identification (/v1) enables subsequent updates to the REST protocol.

The following example shows a URI for the particular task instance resource.

Special characters

Besides ASCII letters and decimal digits, you can use the following characters without any special notation in the case management REST URIs: $ - _ . + ! * ' ( ) ,

You must escape any other character, including spaces, double quotation marks (“ and ”), and percent signs (%). To escape a character in UTF-8 encoding, use %xy where xy is the two-digit hexadecimal value of the character. For example, %20 is the escaped representation of a space in a URI.