IBM Streams 4.2



  • base32GeohashToBinary(T): Converts a geohash in base32 format to a binary string.
  • binaryGeohashToBase32(T): Converts a geohash in binary format to a base32 string.
  • containingGeohash(T, float64): Provides a utility method to do spatial aggregation on point geometry data, where the input geometry is expected to be a point (in WGS84 coordinates) in WKT format and a boxSize in meters.
  • destinationPoint(T, float64, float64): Computes the destination point given a point, the heading/azimuth, and the distance in meters, the input point is in WKT format with WGS84 coordinates, the output point is in WKT WGS84 format.
  • geohashDecode(T): Decodes a given geohash to its corresponding geometry in WKT format.
  • geohashDistanceEncode(T, float64): Encodes the input geometry as a bit representation geohash.
  • geohashEncode(T): Encodes the provided geometry as a geohash in bit representation.
  • geohashStringDecode(T): Decodes a given base 32 encoded geohash to its corresponding point geometry in WKT format.
  • geohashStringEncode(T): Encodes the provided point as a base 32 encoded string.
  • getLatitude(T): Extract latitude from WKT point geometry
  • getLongitude(T): Extract longitude from WKT point geometry
  • lineSegment(float64, float64, float64, float64): Constructs a line segment from four doubles, the order is specified as 'startlongitude, startlatitude, endlongitude, endlatitude' and the output is a WKT formatted geometry
  • nearestPoint(T, T): Finds the nearest point on a linestring from a given point, where both geometries are specified in WKT format and WGS84 coordinates.
  • orientedPolygon(T): Constructs a polygon that has its orientation specified, the polygon is a simple polygon and specified as a string with comma separated longitude, latitude values (in WGS84 decimal degrees).
  • point(float64, float64): Constructs a point geometry from a longitude and a latitude, both specified in decimal degrees in WGS84 Datum.
  • polygon(T): Constructs a polygon from a String representation, where the polygon is a simple polygon (without any holes) and is specified as follows: 'longitude_1, latitude_1, longitude_2, latitude_2, ... , longitude_n, latitude_n', where n is the number of points. This constructor will re-orient the polygon so that it always constructs the 'smaller' polygon. The output format is a WKT geometry
  • timeBoxesForPeriod(int64, int64, int32): Computes the discrete time period covered by the start and end.
  • timeBoxesForPeriod(uint64, uint64, uint32): Computes the discrete time period covered by the start and end.
  • withinDistance(T, T, float64): Returns true if the first geometry and the second geometry are within the specified distance in meters.