IBM Streams 4.2

Changing an exported port's properties

The Export operator is used in the SPL language to export a stream using a set of export properties, which can be modified at run time.

Note: The Java™ Operator API does not support modifying an imported stream's subscription.
The export properties of a stream can be updated at runtime only by the operator that produces the stream. The StreamingOutput interface for the exported port contains methods to fetch and add or remove stream properties. Exported stream properties support a limited number of SPL types and the supported types and their mapping to Java types are shown in the Javadoc for StreamingOutput.getStreamProperties().

Here is an example of adding the stream properties color (type rstring, value orange) and ranking (type int64, value 3) to output port 0 (using an Operator that extends from AbstractOperator).

StreamingOutput<OutputTuple> port = getOutput(0);

Map<String,Object> properties = new HashMap<String,Object>();

properties.put("color", "orange");
properties.put("ranking", 3L);
