IBM InfoSphere Streams Version 4.1.1

Application framework

Common problems and resolutions related to the Telecommunications Event Data Analytics application framework are explained.

The ITE application does not process any data but is healthy
It is normal behavior to pause the file processing if the Lookup Manager application is not initialized or updating the enrichment data in shared memory, or if the ITE application is running internal maintenance tasks.
Verifying the lookup data
The Lookup Repository Reader is a tool that you can use to verify the data written by the Lookup Manager.
Application setup does not create application structures
If your application structures are not created, set either the -b or -f parameters when you call the setup command.
Job submission fails
If your job submission fails because of missing host tags, set the host tags in the domain configuration.
Lookup repository initialization fails
If the lookup repository does not initialize, check the global.applicationControlDirectory parameter in the config/config.cfg file and Streams Studio, and then start the jobs again with the correct parameter values. Symptoms: The initial command file of Lookup Manager is in the input directory, but the initialization fails.
Lookup Manager is not processing the command file
If your memory segments are inaccessible, the command file cannot be processed.
Lookup Manager is not reading shared memory segments
If the Lookup Manager is not reading shared memory segments, there are several situations that might have caused this error and that can be resolved to eliminate it.
Application control logic freezes in START or STOP state
If the application control logic freezes in START or STOP state because of failed ITE jobs, you can force a restart by writing the forced-restart string and a comma-separated list of the active ITE jobs to the action control file.