IBM InfoSphere Streams Version 4.1.1

Operators: 1.0.2


The ASN1Encode operator creates ASN.1 DER-encoded data from XML documents that fit to the provided ASN.1 specification. This operator requires a structure definition document, the ASN.1 specification, which describes the ASN.1 data structures. The ASN1Encode operator provides following features: Support the ASN.1-encoding for one or more ASN.1 elements (also called protocol data unit, or PDU) Support of the following ASN.1 constructs: Containers CHOICE, SET, and SEQUENCE Primitive types BIT STRING, BMPString, BOOLEAN, ENUMERATED, GeneralizedTime, GeneralString, GraphicString, IA5String, INTEGER, ISO646String, NULL, NumericString, ObjectDescriptor, OBJECT IDENTIFIER, OCTET STRING, PrintableString, REAL, RELATIVE-OID, T61String, TeletexString, UniversalString, UTCTime, UTF8String, VideotexString, and VisibleString Repetition SET OF and SEQUENCE OF Optional OPTIONAL and DEFAULT (limited to the primitive types) Support of basic constraints verification The ability to send invalid XML documents to an error port.
The ASN1Parse operator parses a binary data stream that contains ASN.1-encoded data, extracts parts of the data, and sends the data as tuples to downstream operators.
The BloomFilter operator detects duplicate tuples in a memory-efficient way.
The CSVParse operator parses an input line of comma-separated values (CSV) that is received in an rstring type input tuple attribute, splits the line into fields (also called items), and assigns the field values to attributes in the output port schema.
The ExceptionCatcher operator catches exceptions from fused downstream operators and reports these exceptions via tuples that are sent to its optional second output port.
The ScheduledBeacon operator is a utility source that generates tuples on-the-fly.
The StructureParse operator parses a binary data stream, which contains fixed-size structures; therefore, the data is passed in using a blob attribute.