IBM InfoSphere Streams Version 4.1.1

Migrating InfoSphere Streams instances to Version 4.1.1

The instance upgrade tool is available to export the host lists, properties, and security settings for Version 3.2.1 instances to Version 4.1.1. This tool is most helpful if you want to continue using pre-Version 4.0 requirements such as SSH and shared file system installations.

About this task

Version 4.0 introduced the concept of domains. An InfoSphere® Streams domain is a container for InfoSphere Streams instances which provides a single point for configuring and managing common resources, security, and instances. A domain has some but not all the characteristics of Version 3.2.1 instances.


To download the instance upgrade tool, see the article about upgrading InfoSphere Streams Version 3.2.1 instances on the Streamsdev website.