IBM InfoSphere Streams Version 4.1.1

InfoSphere Streams user authentication issue on SLES systems

By default, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) uses the PAM UNIX2 backend, which prevents InfoSphere® Streams from authenticating a user ID and password. To resolve this problem, InfoSphere Streams provides several options.

Use the security.runAsRoot domain property

You can use the security.runAsRoot property to allow users to be authenticated using PAM with the UNIX2 backend, for example:
streamtool -d domain1 setdomainproperty security.runAsRoot=true
The security.runAsRoot property specifies whether the authentication and authorization service is run by using the root account. This property pertains only to resources where the domain controller service is registered as a Linux system service. You can register the domain controller service as a system service by running the streamtool registerdomainhost command.

Generating RSA keys for authentication

Generating public and private keys eliminates the need for users to enter a password when running InfoSphere Streams commands that require authentication.

Updating the PAM configuration

As user root, change the PAM configuration to use the UNIX backend instead of the UNIX2 backend by entering the following commands:
  /usr/sbin/pam-config --delete --unix2
  /usr/sbin/pam-config --add --unix