IBM InfoSphere Streams Version 4.1.0

Namespace spl.adapter

Schema checking for TCP operators using the confirmWireFormat parameter
Use the confirmWireFormat parameter on TCPSource and TCPSink operators to confirm that the transmitted data is compatible.


  • DirectoryScan: The DirectoryScan operator watches a directory, and generates file names on the output, one for each file that is found in the directory.
  • Export: The Export operator sends a stream from the current application, making it available to Import operators of applications that are running in the same streaming middleware instance.
  • FileSink: The FileSink operator writes tuples to a file.
  • FileSource: The FileSource operator reads data from a file and produces tuples as a result.
  • Import: The Import operator receives tuples from streams that are made available by Export operators of applications that are running in the same streaming middleware instance.
  • MetricsSink: The MetricsSink operator reads tuples and populates metrics with the values.
  • TCPSink: The TCPSink operator writes data to a TCP socket in the form of tuples.
  • TCPSource: The TCPSource operator reads data from a TCP socket and creates tuples out of it.
  • UDPSink: The UDPSink operator writes data to a UDP socket in the form of tuples (and punctuation).
  • UDPSource: The UDPSource operator reads data from a UDP socket and creates tuples and punctuation out of it.