IBM InfoSphere Streams Version 4.1.0

Lookup Manager error statistics

The Lookup Manager application writes one or more error log entries if any fault occurs in the separate statistic file <date>_LookupManagerErrorStatistics.txt. These entries are written to a new file every day, and each reported error is a text line in the file. The format of the log file is identical to the txt format of the spl.adapter::FileSink operator and contains the following attributes:

  • filename

    The name of the processed file.

  • listOfErrors

    List of strings, where each string provides information about the error report with following attributes:

    • command The external command (init, update, or delete).
    • segment The segment name as defined in the LookupMgrCustomizing.xml file.

    • errorId The unique error identifier that is assigned to the fault.

    • errorMessage The error message describes the reason of the detected fault.

    • continueOnError This special flag defines the behavior of the applications after the fault detection. If the value is set to 'true', the application continues the file processing and the state changes to run. Otherwise, the state keeps in stopped and the file processing does not continue.

  • logFileDate

    The date of the log entry.

The Lookup Manager application has a robust and strict control system that detects incorrect user behavior. The general idea of this control mechanism is a simpler handling of mistakes. The file processing does not continue if any data in the repository changes and the detected error would cause an inconsistency of the data that is required for file processing. Inconsistent input data can stop file processing as well. To continue file processing, a corrected command file or corrected input data is required. A trivial error is logged only. Anyway, if an error is detected then the command file is moved to the failed folder and the error statistics is created.