
You can refer to the schema described here for having a better understanding on Web Service Receiver Server Connector.

Input Schema

Table 1. Web Service Receiver Server Connector Input Schema
Attribute Value
host Type is String. Contains the name of the host to which the request is sent. This parameter is set only if "wsdlRequested" is false.
requestedResource The requested HTTP resource.
soapAction The SOAP action HTTP header. This parameter is set only if "wsdlRequested" is false.
soapRequest The SOAP request in txt/XML or DOMElement format. This parameter is set only if "wsdlRequested" is false.
wsdlRequested This parameter is true if a WSDL file is requested and false otherwise.
http.username This attribute is used only when HTTP basic authentication is enabled. The value is the username of the client connected.
http.password This attribute is used only when HTTP basic authentication is enabled. The value is the password of the client connected.

Output Schema

Table 2. Web Service Receiver Server Connector Output Schema
Attribute Value
responseContentType The response type. The default response type is "text/xml". It is used with SOAP messages.
soapResponse The SOAP response message. If wsdlRequested is true, then soapResponse is set to the contents of the WSDL file.
http.credentialsValid This attribute is used only when HTTP basic authentication is enabled. When the client provides username and password for HTTP Basic Authentication then this attribute must be set to true or false (this is not done by the Connector, it’s done by the AssemblyLine using the Connector). If the value is true this means that the client is authenticated correctly and access is granted. If the value is false then the user is not authenticated and an HTTP "Not Authorized" Connector response is returned.