Built-in rules for reconnect functionality

You can use the built-in rules for reconnect functionality through the information provided here.

The Connector has implemented logic for reconnect processing as of IBM Security Directory Integrator v6.1.1 fixpack 2. The Connector-specific built-in rules makes it possible to perform a reconnect if javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException is thrown regardless of the message.

In versions of IBM Security Directory Integrator before v7.1, the Connector had a loop that tried 10 times to establish the initial connection. This was to work around a problem with some servers, but it had the side effect that a failure to establish the initial connection could take a very long time if the server was down. From v7.1 onwards, this "loop" is moved into reconnect rules instead. This way you may specify if a reconnect attempt should take place, and also how many times it should be tried. For compatibility with earlier versions, initial re-connection is enabled.