JNDI Connector

The JNDI Connector provides access to a variety of JNDI services. You can know further about it in detail using the information and links provided here.

It uses the javax.naming and javax.naming.directory packages to work with different directory services. To reach a specific system, you must install the JNDI driver for that system, for example com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory for LDAP. The driver is typically distributed as one or more jar or zip files. Place these file in a place where the Java™ runtime can reach them, for example, in the TDI_install_dir/lib/ext directory.

This Connector supports Delta Tagging at the Attribute level. This means that provided a previous Connector in the AssemblyLine has provided Delta information at the Attribute level, the JNDI Connector will be able to use it in order to make the changes needed in the target JNDI directory.

When using the JNDI Connector for querying an LDAP Server, a SizeLimitExceededException may occur if the number of entries satisfying the search criteria is greater than the maximum limit set by the LDAP Server. To work around this situation, either increase the LDAP Server's maximum result limit, or set the java.naming.batchsize provider parameter to some value smaller than the maximum limit of the server. For more information on the java.naming.batchsize parameter refer to: http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/tutorial/ldap/search/batch.html