
You can use the list of parameters provided here to configure the JMX connector.

This parameter determines whether the JMX Connector will listen for local or remote JMX notifications. The Connector registers for and listens to remote JMX notifications according to the JMX Remote API 1.0 specification.

The available values (drop-down list) for this parameter are remote and local.

The value "local" means that the Connector will only listen for notifications issued by MBeans registered with an MBeanServer in the local Java™ Virtual Machine.

The value "remote" means that the Connector will connect to a remote JMX system based on the JMX Remote API 1.0 specification, and register for notifications issued by MBeans registered with an MBean server in the Java Virtual Machine of that remote system.

Remote JMX URL
This parameter is only taken into account if the "mode" parameter is set to "remote". This is the JMX URL used to connect to the remote JMX system. More precisely, this URL is specified by the remote MBean Server on its startup and is used by remote clients to connect to it.

An example value for this parameter would be: "service:jmx:rmi://localhost/jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxconnector"

The default value is "service:jmx:rmi://localhost/jndi/jmx"

Listen to all MBeans
Specifies whether the Connector will register with all available MBeans (checked) or only with the ones specified in the MBeans to listen to Connector parameter (unchecked). This parameter is checked by default.
MBeans to listen to
Specifies a list of MBean object names, each typed on a separate line. This list specifies the MBeans with which the Connector will register for notifications. If no MBean object names are specified (that is, the list is empty) notifications issued by any MBean will be reported. If at least one MBean name is specified, then only notifications issued from the MBeans specified will be reported.
Notification types
The type of a JMX notification, not to be confused with its Java class, is the characterization of a generic notification object. The type is assigned by the broadcaster object and conveys the semantic meaning of a particular notification. The type is given as a String field of the Notification object. This string is interpreted as any number of dot-separated components, allowing an arbitrary, user-defined structure in the naming of notification types.

Specifies the types of JMX notifications which the JMX Connector will listen to. Notifications whose types are not specified will not be reported by the Connector. Each notification type must be typed on a separate line.

Detailed Log
If this parameter is checked, more detailed log messages are generated.

The JMX Connector is capable of using the SSL protocol on the connection. If the remote JMX system accepts only SSL connections, the JMX Connector will automatically establish an SSL connection provided that a trust store is configured properly. This means that appropriate values have to be set for the, and properties in or

See Also

Wikipedia on JMX,
Getting Started with JMX,
JMX Tutorial,
Managing IBM® Security Directory Integrator with ITM using JMX.