
You can take care of the listed points while troubleshooting the JMS Connector.

In case of systems containing two or more IBM® WebSphere® MQ servers exchanging messages, residing on different platforms the transmitted messages may be received corrupted.

For example consider the following scenario with two MQ servers – one MQ server on a z/OS® platform sending messages to another MQ server on the Linux platform. If the received messages from the Linux MQ server are incorrect this might be due to a character set conversions since the default character set of the z/OS and Linux platforms are different. Here are some possible solutions when dealing with such an issue (in descending order, from most to least preferable):
Note: The z/OS operating system is not supported in IBM Security Directory Integrator Version 7.2 onwards.
  1. Encode the messages using the z/OS MQ Queue Manager’s character set before sending them to the z/OS MQ server
  2. Configure the z/OS MQ Queue Manager to use the same character set as the expected messages
  3. Use the following workaround with the correct z/OS and Linux character sets:
    1. Map the message attribute with an advanced mapping.
    2. Use the following script:
      ret.value = new java.lang.String(conn.getString("message").getBytes(z/OS_charset), Linux_charset);
    3. Run the configuration.
    Note: This workaround is only applicable for the described scenario. In systems with more than two MQ servers a more complex decoding of the messages may be needed.