
You can use the explanations for common errors to troubleshoot the IBM® Security Access Manager v2 Connector.

Unable to read in the configuration URL: file:/X:/TDI/LDAPSync/
The IBM Security Access Manager v2 Connector parameter that is labeled as Configuration File must contain the path and file name of the IBM Security Access Manager API properties file. This API properties file is generated with the com.tivoli.pd.rgy.util.RgyConfig tool.
The IBM Security Access Manager domain <DomainName> does not exist.
The domain name that is specified either in the IBM Security Access Manager v2 Connector Connection tab or in the API properties file is invalid.
The distinguished name does not map to an existing entry in the registry.
The secDN value does not map to an existing branch of the IBM Security Directory Server directory tree. Ensure that your mapping of the attribute is correct.
The specified distinguished name (secDN) does not exist.
The secDN value does not map to an existing branch of the IBM Security Directory Server directory tree. Ensure that your mapping of the attribute is correct.
An invalid group identification or Distinguished Name (DN) was specified.
The group identifier or DN value is invalid. For example, the cn attribute value that is used when you are writing groups is invalid. Ensure that your mapping of the attribute is correct.
There is no IBM Security Access Manager entity in the domain with ID <id>.
While you are writing groups, the member attribute must contain the IDs of existing IBM Security Access Manager user and group entities. Otherwise, these values are skipped and this error is logged.
Entry was not found.
The link criteria that is set up for the IBM Security Access Manager v2 Connector failed to locate an entry.
Group not found.
While you are writing IBM Security Access Manager users, the memberOf Attribute must contain the IDs of existing groups. Otherwise, these values are skipped and this error logged.
Connector gives null pointer exception when userPassword is missing in output map of the AddOnly mode
The userPassword attribute is required if you create both the IBM Security Access Manager user and the LDAP person entry in the directory. It is required because the API applies policy checks to the entry that is created. However, if the person entry, which is to be added by the connector, already exists, then the user is imported instead of created. In this case, userPassword is not mandatory. For example, if the connector is used in the Federated Directory Server IBM Security Access Manager plug-in, you are not required to map the userPassword attribute.
The secPwdValid password is written as true even when the value mapped to it was false.
The secValidPwd attribute for an IBM Security Access Manager user is set to true whenever the userPassword attribute is modified.