DSMLv2 SOAP Server Connector

The DSMLv2 SOAP Server Connector listens for DSMLv2 requests over HTTP. Once it receives the request, the Connector parses the request and sends the parsed request to the AssemblyLine workflow for processing. The result is sent back to the client over HTTP. You can perform the tasks provided here with DSMLv2 SOAP Server Connector.

The DSMLv2 SOAP Server Connector is able to:
  • Execute DSMLv2 requests against a DSML Server.
  • Provide the option to use DSML SOAP binding.
  • Internally instantiate, configure and use the HTTP Parser to create HTTP requests and parse HTTP responses.
  • Internally instantiate, configure and use the DSMLv2 Parser to create DSMLv2 request messages and parse DSMLv2 response messages.
  • Process each event in a separate thread, allowing the Connector to process several DSMLv2 events in parallel.