Some words on quoting

You can use the Commandline Connector on Linux/Unix systems, to deal with the quoting of parameters that may contain lexically important characters.

When the parameter Use sh is checked, IBM Security Directory Integrator uses the sh program (for example, the standard Linux shell) to run the command line, and sh will handle quoting as you expect. If you do not have sh on your operating system, do not check this box.

Without using sh, when the Command Line Connector is run on a Unix/Linux platform, it does not handle a command line with a parameter in quotes correctly. For example, the command:
Report -view fileView -raw -where "releaseName = 'ibmdi_60' 
     and nuPathName like 'src/com/ibm/di%' " 
This command should have the phrase "releaseName = 'ibmdi_60' and nuPathName like 'src/com/ibm/di%' " as one parameter, but it does not. The reason is that IBM Security Directory Integrator uses the Java™ Runtime exec() method, which splits all commands at spaces, and ignores all quoting. We would have liked this to be split according to the quotes. Checking Use sh (when possible) solves this problem.