Using the Connector

You can make use of Axis2 Web Service Server Connector through the information provided here.

The Axis2 Web Service Server Connector is designed for a "WSDL first" way of development. This means that the Connector requires a WSDL document describing the web service, so that it knows how clients expect the web service to behave. The implementation of the web service then must stick to the model outlined by the WSDL. (An alternative would be to implement the logic first and have the Connector produce an appropriate WSDL for that implementation.) The reason for this design choice is to make it easy for IBM Security Directory Integrator to fit into an existing communication model by conforming to an already established WSDL description.

For situations where an existing Assembly Line needs to be exposed through a web service interface, IBM Security Directory Integrator offers some basic WSDL generation functionality (see WSDL Generation).

A WSDL document can describe multiple interfaces (or port types in WSDL 1.1 terms). Each interface groups a set of operations. One instance of the Axis2 Web Service Server Connector can be used to implement just a single interface. To help the AssemblyLine logic distinguish between different operations, the Connector passes the name of the operation (the local part of the qualified name) in the $operation Attribute of the Operational Entry (op-entry). For more information on AssemblyLine Operations and the Operational Entry see Configuring Directory Integrator.

  1. The SOAP version depends on the client: If the client sends a SOAP 1.1 request, the Connector will send back a SOAP 1.1 response. If the client sends a SOAP 1.2 request, the Connector will send back a SOAP 1.2 response. The SOAP version settings from the WSDL document are ignored.
  2. The Connector does not perform XML Schema validation of incoming or outgoing SOAP messages.
  3. The Connector does SOAP processing only on HTTP POST requests. Other HTTP requests are left for the Assembly Line logic to handle.
  4. The Connector will generate a SOAP response only as an answer to a SOAP request: If the HTTP request does not contain a body, the Connector will not generate a SOAP response.
  5. The Assembly Line can override the response for all requests by specifying an http.body Output Attribute. The Connector will not generate a SOAP response if the Assembly Line provides an overriding http.body Attribute.
  6. For special cases, you can configure the logging level of the underlying Axis2 library in the Log4j configuration file of the IBM Security Directory Integrator Server (etc/