AssemblyLine Connector

You can use the AssemblyLine Connector to ease the integration of AssemblyLines into a work flow.

The AssemblyLine Connector provides a standard and familiar way of doing this; it wraps much of the scripting involved to execute an AssemblyLine. AssemblyLines are often called as compound functions from other AssemblyLines. Setting up a call to perform a specific task and mapping in and out parameters can be tedious in a scripting environment. The AssemblyLine connector uses the AssemblyLine manual cycle mode for inline execution; and internally it uses the AssemblyLine Function Component to do its work.

The AssemblyLine Connector supports Iterator mode only, except when calling another AssemblyLine which supports AssemblyLine Operations. See "AssemblyLine Operations" in Configuring Directory Integrator and Creating new components using Adapters for more information.

The server-server capability made possible by using this Connector addresses security concerns when managers want IBM® Security Directory Integrator developers to access connected systems, but not to access the operational parameters of the Connector – or to impact its availability by deploying the new function on the same physical server.