Using the Active Directory Change Detection Connector

You can use the information provided here to work with the Active Directory Change Detection Connector.

Each delivered entry by the Connector contains the changeType attribute whose value is either "add" (for newly created objects), "modify" (for modified objects) or "delete" (for deleted Active Directory objects). Each entry also contains 2 attributes that represent the objectGUID value:
  • attribute objectGUID – contains a 16-byte byte array that represents the 128-bit objectGUID of the corresponding Active Directory object.
  • attribute objectGUIDStr – contains the string representation of the hexadecimal value of the 128-bit objectGUID. It is delivered in the format {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}, where each x represents a hexadecimal digit.
If you need to detect and handle moved or deleted objects, you must use the objectGUID value as object identifier instead of the LDAP distinguished name. The LDAP distinguished name changes when an object is moved or deleted, while the objectGUID attribute always remains unchanged. Store the objects' objectGUID attribute in the replicated data source and search by this attribute to locate objects.
Note: Deleted objects in Active Directory live for a configurable period of time (60 days by default), after which they are completely removed. To avoid missing deletions, perform incremental synchronizations more frequently.

The ADCD Connector can be interrupted at any time during the synchronization process. It saves the state of the synchronization process in the User Property Store of the IBM Security Directory Integrator (after each Entry retrieval), and the next time the Active Directory Connector is started, it successfully continues the synchronization from the point the Active Directory Connector was interrupted.