Tivoli Directory Integrator, Version 7.1.1

System Store Connector

The System Store Connector provides access to the underlying System Store. The primary use of the System Store Connector is to store Entry objects into the System Store tables. However, you can also use the connector to connect to an external Derby, DB2® 9.7, Oracle, Microsoft SQL*Server or IBM® SolidDB database, not just the database configured as the System Store. Each Entry object is identified by a unique value called the key attribute.

The System Store Connector creates a new table in a specified database if one does not already exist. If you iterate on a non-existing table, the (empty) table is created, and the Iterator returns no values.

The System Store Connector uses the following SQL statements to create a table and set the primary key constraint on the table (Derby syntax):


This connector provides pre-set SQL statements for a number of popular databases, but there is also the ability to modify them as you see fit. For other databases, you must enter your own, equivalent SQL statements (multiple ones, if required) by specifying these in the Create Table Statement parameter. The parameter can not be empty; in that case, an exception is thrown.

  1. The VARCHAR_LENGTH value is picked up from the com.ibm.di.store.varchar.length property set in the Properties Store (TDI-P). The default VARCHAR_LENGTH is set to 512. You can change this value by setting the value of the com.ibm.di.store.varchar.length in the Properties Store.
  2. Another attribute, tdi.pesconnector.return.wrapped.entry, exists for TDI 6.0 compatibility. If you define this property in the Tivoli® Directory Integrator global.properties file and set it to true , then Tivoli Directory Integrator reverts back to its earlier behavior where for example, the findEntry() method (used by the system in Iterator, Lookup and Update modes) would return an Entry object of the format: [ENTRY: <Instance of Entry object containing Attributes passed by user>]. In TDI 6.0, in order to obtain the original passed attributes, you would need to write JavaScript code something like this:
    Entry e = (Entry)conn.getAttribute("ENTRY");
    at some appropriate place, after which e contains the Attributes originally passed in when writing to the System Store. You could do this in the Input Attribute Map Hook where you would have to carefully map the Attributes in e to the work entry, or use a Script Component after this Connector to unpack the composite entry attribute in the work entry using the aforementioned JavaScript example (substitute work for conn.)

    In Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1, by default the entry is unwrapped and therefore all attributes passed by you are now directly available as attributes in the Entry. The above scripting will not be needed any longer (unless you set the tdi.pesconnector.return.wrapped.entry attribute to true.)

  3. The System Store Connector operates in the following modes: AddOnly, Update, Delete, Iterate, Lookup. However, AddOnly, Update and Delete operations are not permitted on the Delta Tables and Property store tables.

The Connector supports both simple and advanced Link Criteria.

This Connector, like the JDBC Connector it is based upon, in principle can handle secure connections using the SSL protocol. However, it may require driver specific configuration steps in order to set up the SSL support. Refer to the manufacturer's driver documentation for details.


The System Store Connector requires the following parameters.

The location of the database. This is an optional parameter; if left blank, the System Store as configured in property com.ibm.di.store.database in the global.properties file is used. Note that this is the value displayed in the Store -> View System Store screen.
The name of the user used to make a JDBC connection to the specified database. Only the tables available to this user are shown. If this is not specified then the value of the com.ibm.di.store.jdbc.user property set in the global.properties file is used as the default value.
The password of the user used to make a JDBC connection to the specified database. If this is not specified then the value of the com.ibm.di.store.jdbc.password property set in the global.properties file is used as the default value.
Key Attribute Name
The attribute name giving the unique value for the entry. This is a required parameter.
You can specify multiple Key Attribute Names separated by the "+" sign. The System Store Connector will concatenate these into a single varchar(255) key to obtain a unique key.
Selection Mode
Specify All, Existing or Deleted. In order to use the Existing and Deleted keywords, the Connector must reference a Delta table in the System Store. When Delta is enabled on an Iterator, the AssemblyLine stores a sequence property in the database, adding a sequence number to each entry read from the source. This parameter is to be used on Delta tables only.
Delta table names in Tivoli Directory Integrator 6.0 and above, have an "IDI_DS_" prefix added to the identifier specified in "Delta Store" field of the Delta configuration tab.
Table Name
The table name to store the entries in. This is a required parameter. The System Store Connector will create a table with the specified table name if it does not exist.
  1. The "Select" button in the Connector configuration tab of the connector provides a list of tables in the connected database. Only the tables available to the user specified in the Username field are shown.
  2. The "Delete" button in the Connector configuration tab can be used to delete a selected table. Ideally, the Delete button should be used when an AL has run and you would now want to delete the table created by the System Store Connector. This does not work with the Delta tables.
  3. The table name must be a valid name for the database you are accessing. In most cases, this will mean the name must begin with a letter, and otherwise may only contain letters, digits and the underscore (_) character.
JDBC Driver
This parameter contains the Java class name of the JDBC driver (instead of the database name as in previous versions. Existing configurations will be migrated automatically).

If the parameter is left empty or one of its provided options is selected, the Create Table Statement parameter is initialized with a default "CREATE TABLE" statement for the database used. If JDBC Driver is not specified the JDBC driver configured in the System Store settings is used to obtain the proper value for Create Table Statement.

This parameter enables the System Store Connector to connect to different System Store databases without changing the System Store settings.

The possible values are:

The default value is empty.

Create Table Statement
The "CREATE TABLE" SQL statement used to create the tables in the selected data source. You are required to enter the correct CREATE TABLE statement corresponding to the database that you choose to connect to. Otherwise the Connector will fail to create the table if the table is missing.
Delete table on close
If this value is set to true then the table created by the System Store Connector will be dropped when the Connector terminates.
SQL Select
The select statement to execute when selecting entries for iteration. Specifies the WHERE clause. This will be used as a search filter to return the data set in Iterator mode. If this is left blank, the default construct (SELECT * FROM TABLE) is used, where TABLE is the name specified in the "Table Name" field.
Controls when database transactions are committed. Options are: Manual means user must call the commit() method of the System Store Connector -- or, alternatively, rollback() if your logic requires this.
Detailed Log
If this field is checked, additional log messages are generated.

Using the Connector

The System Store Connector provides access to the tables created in the System Store. The System Store can be located on any DB server for which a JDBC driver is available. Furthermore, if the System Store uses Derby, it can be configured to run in either embedded (inside the Tivoli Directory Integrator Server process) or networked mode. The connector is able to resolve globally defined parameters to obtain a connection the default System Store. In order to configure a connection to a different DB at least the following parameters must be explicitly provided: Database, Username, Password or JDBC Driver.

The correct way to specify the database and JDBC Driver for different configurations of System Store is given below.

The examples are specific to Windows.
Using System Store Connector with embedded Derby server configured as System Store
Database: f:\Program Files\IBM\IBMDirectoryIntegrator/Derby
JDBC Driver: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
In the embedded mode of operation, the Derby server is automatically started and the specified database is booted into the database if it exists. If it does not exist a new database is created at the specified location.
Using System Store Connector with networked Derby server configured as System Store
Database: jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/E:\TDI\TDISysStore;create=true
JDBC Driver: org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
  1. It is important to specify the "create=true" flag in the database URL. This will create the database if it does not exist. This is required when Derby is configured to run in networked mode.
  2. In networked mode of operation, the Derby server my need to be started manually. For details regarding the ways in which a Derby server can be started in networked mode, please refer to the chapter on System Store in IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator V7.1.1 Installation and Administrator Guide
Using System Store Connector with DB2 9.7 server as System Store
Database: jdbc:db2://machine-name:50000/testDB
JDBC Driver: com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
  1. The DB2 instance and the DB2 database must be created ahead of time for it to be used as System Store.
  2. The specified instance must be running on the specified port in the database URL.

See also

Connector usage examples in TDI_install_dir/examples/systore, and TDI_install_dir/examples/SystemStore;
The chapter on System Store in IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator V7.1.1 Installation and Administrator Guide.
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IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1