Tivoli Directory Integrator, Version 7.1.1

Complex Types Generator Function Component

The Complex Types Generator Function Component is part of the Tivoli® Directory Integrator Web Services suite.

Due to limitations of the Axis library used by this component only WSDL (http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl) version 1.1 documents are supported. Furthermore, the supported message exchange protocol is SOAP 1.1.

This Function Component is used for generating a JAR file, which contains the Java class files implementing the complex data types defined in a schema either internal to or referenced by a WSDL. This JAR file can then be used by the other Web Service FCs in order to serialize and parse SOAP messages containing these complex data types.

Please note that this FC is not supposed to be "run" as part of an AssemblyLine for example. Here is the way this FC is supposed to be used:

  1. Place it in an AssemblyLine
  2. Fill in its parameters
  3. Click the Generate complex types button to create the JAR file.

After the desired JAR file has been created the FC can be either disabled or deleted altogether from the AssemblyLine - the FC does not provide any runtime functionality whatsoever.



The value of this parameter must be either a valid URL string or a file system path (either absolute or relative) specifying the location of a WSDL file.
WSDL2Java Options
The value of this parameter is a command-line-like list of options for the Axis WSDL2Java utility. The FC passes this list of options to the WSDL2Java utility when generating Java source files from WSDL. These options can be used to alter the default behavior of the WSDL2Java utility.
JAR file name
The value of this parameter must be the name of the JAR file (either absolute or relative) to be created.
JDK Path
The path to a Java Development Kit installation. If left empty the utility assumes that the Java compiler "javac" and the "jar" tools are on the system executable path.
The implementation of this FC requires a minimum version 1.4 of the JDK.
Generate Java Source Files
If this box is checked (which is the default), then the FC utility generates Java source files from the specified WSDL. If unchecked, then the FC utility skips the generation of Java source files and only performs the compilation and the JAR creation. Setting this parameter to false (that is, unchecked) is useful when you want to write the implementation of the complex types yourself or you want to modify auto-generated Java source files (setting this parameter to true will overwrite any manually edited/written Java source files).

Function Component Input and Output

You run the FC JAR creation utility by pressing the "Generate complex types" button.

Before creating any output files (Java source or class files, the JAR file) the previously generated files are deleted.


If the ComplexTypesGenerator FC displays an error message box and you need further information about the error that has occurred do the following steps:

  1. Change the log level of the log4j.logger.com.ibm.di.admin logger in "<installation_directory>/log4j.properties" to DEBUG. For example change the line log4j.logger.com.ibm.di.admin=WARN to log4j.logger.com.ibm.di.admin=DEBUG.
  2. Restart the Config Editor.
  3. Run the ComplexTypesGen utility again.
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IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1