Generating data availability reports

Generates the seven data availability reports based on the data availability model that is created.


  1. In WirelessModelling tool, open the tnpmmodel file that you have created from the data availability model.
  2. Right-click TNPM Package, and then select Data Coverage Utilities > Generate Data Availability Reporting.
  3. On the Client details page, specify the following information:
    Option Description
    Database Host The Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireless Component database server host name or IP address.
    Database username By default, virtuo.
    Database User(virtuo) Password The virtuo user password.
    Cognos Dispatcher URI This is the Jazz for Service Management server URI. This URI must be the same as the Gateway URI that you have set in Framework Manager configuration from Installing and configuring IBM Cognos Framework Manager.
    Username Jazz for Service Management server username. By default smadmin
    Password The smadmin password.
    Namespace By default, VMMProvider.
    Report Output Dir Location where the generated reports are available. For example, C:/DA_reports/tmp.
  4. Click Get Model Details.
  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Model details page, specify the following information:
    Option Description
    Data Availability Summary Model Data Availability model that you have created. For example, NOKIA_GSM_FAbis_BSC.DA.
    Focal Entity Provisioned entities to be selected from the list. This entity is the main entity from which we want to view metrics.
    Parent Entity Parent entity for the selected focal entity.
  7. Click Generate Reports.

    After the data availability reports are generated in the Report Output Directory. The location is as follows:

    These reports are a set of seven XML files. For NOKIA_GSM_FAbis_BSC.DA model with BSC and Abis as selected parent and focal entities, the seven reports are as follows:
    • NOKIA_GSM_FAbis_BSC_20Worst_DDA
    Note: The format of the XML file is as follows:
    P is parent entity, F is focal entity
    H is hourly, D is daily