Updating the buildforge.conf file

The buildforge.conf file is located in two locations and must be updated in both locations, if you need to update it after installation.

You might need to edit the buildforge.conf file to update the database host if your Build Forge database is moved to a different host computer. Another common reason to edit this file is to update your database password, which must be changed regularly to comply with network security policies.

Use the following procedure to update the buildforge.conf file and then re-create the rbf-services.war file with the updated copy of buildforge.conf.
Note: If you only need to add buildforge.conf to rbf-services.war, skip the steps for editing buildforge.conf.
  1. Stop the Build Forge engine.
  2. Locate the buildforge.conf file in your Build Forge installation root directory.
  3. Use a text editor to open the file, modify configuration settings, and save the file.
    Note: You need root or Administrator privileges to edit this file.
  4. Navigate to the directory that contains the rbf-services.war file, for example:
    Apache Tomcat server <bfinstall>/Apache/tomcat/webapps

  5. Create a backup copy of rbf-services.war, for example:
    Windows copy rbf-services.war rbf-services.war.bak
    UNIX/Linux cp rbf-services.war rbf-services.war.bak
  6. Delete the rbf-services directory, for example:
    Windows rmdir rbf-services /s /q
    UNIX/Linux rm -rf rbf-services
  7. On Windows, complete the following commands:
    1. Re-create the classes directory, for example:

      mkdir WEB-INF\classes

    2. Copy the updated buildforge.conf file into the new classes directory, for example:

      copy <path_to_bf_conf>\buildforge.conf WEB-INF\classes

    3. Update the rbf-services.war file, as follows:

      jar -uvf rbf-services.war WEB-INF

  8. On UNIX and Linux, complete the following commands:
    1. Use the unzip utility to create and populate the rbf-services directory:

      unzip -d rbf-services rbf-services.war

    2. Copy the updated buildforge.conf file into the new classes directory, for example:

      cp <path_to_bf_conf>/buildforge.conf rbf-services/WEB-INF/classes

    3. Set permissions on the executable files in rbf-services.
      chmod 755 <bfinstall>/server/tomcat/rbf-services/bin/*
  9. Restart the Build Forge engine.

    In Windows, the rbf-services file is redeployed and automatically creates the rbf-services directory again with the updated buildforge.conf.
