Updating the product on z/OS

Use IBM® Installation Manager to update the WebSphere® Application Server for z/OS® product.

Optional features

Certain product features can be added or removed from an installed copy of the WebSphere Application Server product. These are called optional features. Choose the optional features for each copy of the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS code according to your needs.

See Adding and removing features on z/OS.

Language packs

Parts of the WebSphere Application Server product are provided in translated form in a number of languages. English messages and panels are always installed. You can specify additional languages for which panels and messages are to be added to the product. All products installed at a particular location by IBM Installation Manager share the same list of installed languages, but not all languages are supported by all products.

See Adding language packs on z/OS.

Product maintenance

IBM regularly provides updates to the WebSphere Application Server product to fix product defects and add new function. Product fix packs contain bundled service to bring WebSphere Application Server up to a new product level. Interim fixes provide updates to correct individual product defects. See Installing interim fixes and fix packs on z/OS operating systems .