JMS messaging (wasJmsClient-2.0) behavior changes

If you are using the wasJmsClient-1.1 feature in your JMS messaging applications, then you can continue to use wasJmsClient-1.1 to avoid migrating the applications. If you are creating new JMS messaging applications, then you can use the wasJmsClient-2.0 feature to take advantage of the new capabilities available. If you want to migrate your existing applications to use the wasJmsClient-2.0 feature, be aware of behavior changes that affect some of the APIs in Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7.

The following table shows some of the differences in the behavior of the APIs between the two versions:
Table 1. Behavior differences between wasJmsClient-1.1 and wasJmsClient-2.0
Interface names Condition for exceptions wasJmsClient-1.1 wasJmsClient-2.0
Session.createDurableSubscriber ClientID is not set InvalidClientIDException IllegalStateException
TopicSession.createDurableSubscriber ClientID is not set InvalidClientIDException JMSException
Connection.setClientID Another connection with the same ClientID is already active IllegalStateException InvalidCliendIDException