For z/OS platforms

Disabling z/OS operator console command handling in the Liberty server

You can listen for and handle z/OS® operator console commands directly from your application or product extension feature. However, doing so conflicts with the built-in Liberty for z/OS operator console command handler. If you want to listen for commands directly, you need to disable the built-in Liberty for z/OS operator console command listener.

About this task

Liberty provides the following property to disable the handling of z/OS operator console commands by the Liberty server:


  1. Stop the Liberty server.
  2. Set websphere.os.extension=zosNoConsoleExtensions-1.0 in your ${server.config.dir}/ file.
  3. Start the Liberty server.

    When you start the Liberty server with this new setting, it no longer listens for z/OS console commands. This change allows your application to handle z/OS console commands itself. For more information on implementing z/OS console command listeners and handlers within an application, see MVS™ Programming Authorized Assembler Services Guide: Communicating with a program (EXTRACT, QEDIT), or the equivalent for your level of z/OS.