Getting status on a REST call for multiple registered hosts

You can get status or details about a call to upload or delete files on multiple registered hosts of a collective by invoking the GET REST API.

Before you begin

Call a REST API to upload or delete files on multiple registered hosts. See Uploading files to multiple registered hosts with a single REST call or Deleting files from multiple registered hosts with a single REST call.


  • Get overall multiple task status, with the option of filtering the results.
    GET https://controller_host:controller_port/IBMJMXConnectorREST/file/status/[?key=value]

    The key variable is a task property filtered with the value variable. You can specify multiple key=value pairs to use as query filters.

  • Get status about a specific task.
    GET https://controller_host:controller_port/IBMJMXConnectorREST/file/status/{taskID}

    {taskID} represents a task; for example, c8a2b96b-5a6a-493c-ad0c-140df87d61cf.

  • Get a list of available properties from a specific task.
    GET https://controller_host:controller_port/IBMJMXConnectorREST/file/status/{taskID}/properties

    {taskID} represents a task; for example, c8a2b96b-5a6a-493c-ad0c-140df87d61cf.

  • Get the value of a property in a specific task.
    GET https://controller_host:controller_port/IBMJMXConnectorREST/file/status/{taskID}/properties/{property}
    • {taskID} represents a task; for example, c8a2b96b-5a6a-493c-ad0c-140df87d61cf.
    • {property} represents the property to get.
  • Get status about the hosts of a specific task.
    GET https://controller_host:controller_port/IBMJMXConnectorREST/file/status/{taskID}/hosts

    {taskID} represents a task; for example, c8a2b96b-5a6a-493c-ad0c-140df87d61cf.

  • Get details about steps that were taken within a specific host of a specific task.
    GET https://controller_host:controller_port/IBMJMXConnectorREST/file/status/{taskID}/hosts/{hostName}
    • {taskID} represents a task; for example, c8a2b96b-5a6a-493c-ad0c-140df87d61cf.
    • {hostName} represents a host; for example,


Get overall multiple task status, with the option of filtering the results. If the JSON response is:

    "taskID" : String , 
    "taskStatus" :  String,  
    "taskURL" :  URL  

For the following GET call:

Typical status is:
      "taskID" : "c8a2b96b-5a6a-493c-ad0c-140df87d61cf" ,
      "taskStatus" :  "succeeded",
      "taskURL" :  "/IBMJMXConnectorREST/file/status/c8a2b96b-5a6a-493c-ad0c-140df87d61cf"
      "taskID" : "18c807ff-e7bb-4584-a988-278039d0aabd" ,
      "taskStatus" :  "failed",
      "taskURL" :  "/IBMJMXConnectorREST/file/status/18c807ff-e7bb-4584-a988-278039d0aabd"

For the following GET call with two key=value pairs:

Typical status is:
    "taskID" : "c8a2b96b-5a6a-493c-ad0c-140df87d61cf" , 
    "taskStatus" :  "succeeded",  
    "taskURL" :  "/IBMJMXConnectorREST/file/status/c8a2b96b-5a6a-493c-ad0c-140df87d61cf"  