For z/OS platforms

APIs for z/OS command processing support

The CommandHandler and ModifyResults application programming interfaces (APIs) are available for z/OS® command processing support.
The CommandHandler interface is the service that the command processing component looks for (by using the OSGi Whiteboard pattern). The command processing code will deliver any z/OS command string that matches its filter.
A z/OS modify command has the following format:
MODIFY <jobname.>identifier,command
The command value is matched against the modify.filter.regex property. The property value is treated as a regular expression.
For example, commands can be directed to the started job by issuing a z/OS modify command:
"MODIFY <jobname.>identifier,<cmdverb1>,<parm1>,<parm2>,(<moreInfo1>) 

The modify.filter.regex property matches the value for the <cmdverb1>,<parm1>,<parm2>,(<moreInfo1>) command string. When the server receives the command, all currently registered CommandHandler's are matched, and the command is delivered according to the defined interface.
The ModifyResults interface wraps the results of processing the command. It contains the command response messages and other information.