Repository structure for personal binary files

The WebSphere® Application Server Liberty Buildpack downloads the default Liberty and IBM® JRE binary files for development only. If you want to use your own binary files that you have other licenses for, the files must be accessible with HTTP.

Removal in Availability of the Cloud Foundry Liberty Buildpack on IBM Fix Central stops in August 2024. The strategic alternative is a cloud native buildpack for WebSphere Liberty or Open Liberty that is contributed to the paketo open source community at For information about paketo buildpacks, go to

Repository structure

The repository is an HTTP-accessible collection of files. The repository root must contain an index.yml file that is a mapping of concrete versions to absolute URIs in the following format.

    uri: <URI of binary file>     
    license: <URI of license>
You can store your files in the repository.

Versions are composed of the following four parts: major, minor, micro, and optional qualifier. The version format is <major>.<minor>.<micro>[_<qualifier>].
Table 1. Part Requirements
Part Requirement
Major Numeric
Minor Numeric
Micro Numeric
Optional qualifier Letters, digits, and hyphens with lexical order:
  1. Hyphen
  2. Lowercase letter
  3. Uppercase letters
  4. Digits
Aside from declaring a specific version to use, you can also specify a bounded range of versions. You can append the + symbol to a version prefix to use the latest version that begins with the prefix.
Table 2. Version Declarations
Example Description
1.+ Selects the greatest available version less than 2.0.0.
1.7.+ Selects the greatest available version less than 1.8.0.
1.7.0+ Selects the greatest available version less than 1.7.1.
Note: Use this syntax to stay up to security releases in a particular version.