JAX-RS 2.0 integration with managed beans

JAX-RS 2.0 in Liberty supports the use of managed beans as root resource classes, providers, and application subclasses.

  • To integrate JAX-RS 2.0 with managed beans, add the <feature>managedBeans-1.0</feature> entry inside the featureManager element in the server.xml file.
  • To use a managed bean as a JAX-RS resource, provider, or application, use the @ManagedBean to annotate these classes.
    For example, use the Interceptors managed bean feature as follows:
    @ManagedBean ("JaxrsManagedBean" )
    @Path ("/managedbean" )
    public class ManagedBeanResource {
        public static class MyInterceptor {
            public Object around(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {
                System. out .println("around() called" );
                return ctx.proceed();
        @Produces( "text/plain")
        @Interceptors(MyInterceptor. class )
        public String getIt() {
            return "Hi managed bean!" ;

Restrictions on JAX-RS 2.0 with managed beans

Resource injection is only supported by the following JAX-RS component classes that are managed by Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI):
  • Application subclasses
  • Providers
  • Root resource classes

Specifically, to inject a managed bean instance into a certain JAX-RS component class, you must ensure that this component class can be recognized and managed as a CDI bean.

For example, to inject the printMyName managed bean instance into a JAX-RS root resource class as follows, you must add an empty beans.xml file in the .WAR file/WEB-INF repository:

@Path ("/managedbean" )
public class ManagedBeanResource {

    @Resource(name = "printMyName" )
    private PrintMyName printMyName ;

    @Produces( "text/plain")
    public String getIt() {
        printMyName .print();
        return "Hi managed bean!" ;

@ManagedBean ("printmyname" )
public class PrintMyName {

    public void print() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        System. out .println("Injection of ManagedBean is successful" );
