Example: Stopping and starting scheduler daemons using Java™ Management Extensions API

Use the wsadmin scripting tool to invoke a Jacl script and stop and start a scheduler daemon.

This example JACL script can be invoked using the wsadmin scripting tool. It will attempt to stop and start a scheduler daemon.

# Example JACL Script to restart a Scheduler Daemon

set schedJNDIName sched/MyScheduler

# Find the WASScheduler MBean
regsub -all {/} $schedJNDIName "." schedJNDIName
set mbeanName Scheduler_$schedJNDIName
puts "Looking up Scheduler MBean $mbeanName"
set sched [$AdminControl queryNames WebSphere:*,type=WASScheduler,name=$mbeanName]

# Invoke the stopDaemon operation.
puts "Stopping the daemon..."
$AdminControl invoke $sched stopDaemon
puts "The daemon has stopped."

# Invoke the startDaemon operation.
puts "Starting the daemon..."
$AdminControl invoke $sched startDaemon 0
puts "The daemon has started."