[AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows][z/OS]

Exporting SCA domain information using scripting (deprecated)

You can export information on Service Component Architecture (SCA) composites in an SCA domain to a file of your choice.

Before you begin

An SCA composite must be a composition unit in a business-level application.

About this task

You can view information on components in an SCA domain. The SCA domain is typically the cell on multiple-server installations and the server scope on single-server installations. You can view SCA domain information in the administrative console or by exporting it to a file using scripting. Exporting SCA domain information enables you to preserve information on components.

This topic describes how to export domain information using scripting.

You might export domain information before updating SCA business-level applications or before migrating to a later version of the product.


  1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool.
  2. Optional: View online help for the exportCompositeToDomain command.
    Using Jython:
    print AdminTask.help('exportCompositeToDomain')
    Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask help exportCompositeToDomain
  3. Export information on SCA composites in a domain to a file of your choice.

    Use the exportCompositeToDomain command to export the information. The command has two parameters, -domainName and -fileName, both of type String. The -domainName parameter is optional. The -fileName parameter is required.

    Using Jython:

    [AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows]
    AdminTask.exportCompositeToDomain('[-domainName SCA_domain_name -fileName C:/my_file]')
    AdminTask.exportCompositeToDomain('[-domainName SCA_domain_name -fileName /my_file]')

    Using Jacl:

    [AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows]
    $AdminTask exportCompositeToDomain {-domainName SCA_domain_name -fileName C:/my_file}
    $AdminTask exportCompositeToDomain {-domainName SCA_domain_name -fileName /my_file}
    Table 1. exportCompositeToDomain command elements . Run the exportCompositeToDomain command with the -fileName parameter.
    Variable Description
    $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    AdminTask is an object to run administrative commands with the wsadmin tool
    exportCompositeToDomain is an AdminTask command
    SCA_domain_name is the name of SCA domain whose information is exported
    /my_file is the name of the file to which domain information is written


After the exportCompositeToDomain command runs, information on components in the SCA domain is written to the specified file. The product displays the following message:

SCA_domain_name exported to /my_file.

You can view the same domain information in the administrative console. Click Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name > deployed_asset_name > View domain.


Suppose the HelloWorldAsync business-level application provided as a sample with the product is installed. Run the exportCompositeToDomain command to export the composites:

Using Jython:

[AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows]
AdminTask.exportCompositeToDomain('[ -fileName C:/my_file ]')
AdminTask.exportCompositeToDomain('[ -fileName /my_file ]')

Using Jacl:

[AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows]
$AdminTask exportCompositeToDomain { -fileName C:/my_file }
$AdminTask exportCompositeToDomain { -fileName /my_file }

Running the exportCompositeToDomain command writes domain information resembling the following to the specified file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<domain name="myDomain">
<component name = "AsynchTranslatorComponent"
      mapTarget = "WebSphere:cell=myCell02,node=myNode02,server=server1">
<service name = "AsynchTranslatorService">
<interface.java interface = "helloworld.AsynchTranslatorService"/>
<reference name = "AsynchTranslatorService" target = ""/>
<httpurlendpoints name = "endpoints" uri = ""/>

What to do next

Examine the exported file to ensure that it contains the intended information.