High availability manager counters

You can use the high availability manager counters that the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) and Tivoli® Performance Viewer (TPV) collect to monitor activity within your high availability environment.

Counter definitions

Table 1. Counter definitions . The following table describes high availability counters.
Name Key Description Granularity Type Level Overhead ID
BulletinBoardRebuildTime hamanagermodule.bbMgrRebuildTime The amount of time, in milliseconds, that is consumed rebuilding the global state of the bulletin-board. During this time, subscribers do not receive any messages. If this amount of time is too high, and is unacceptable for the desired availability, increase the number of coordinators.

For proper operation of this counter, you must host the active coordinator in an application server other than the deployment manager.

Per server TimeStatistic All High 1
BulletinBoardSubcriptionCount hamanagermodule.bbMgrNumSubscriptions The total number of bulletin board subscriptions that are managed by this server Per server BoundedRangeStatistic All High 2
BulletinBoardSubjectCount hamanagermodule.bbMgrNumSubjects The total number of subjects that are managed by this server Per server BoundedRangeStatistic All High 3
GroupStateRebuildTime hamanagermodule.rebuildTime The amount of time, in milliseconds, consumed rebuilding the global group state. During the rebuild time, no failover can happen. If this time is too high, and is unacceptable for the desired availability, increase the number of coordinators.

For proper operation of this counter, you must host the active coordinator in an application server other than the deployment manager.

Per server TimeStatistic All High 4
LocalBulletinBoardSubcriptionCount hamanagermodule.bbLocalNumSubscriptions The total number of local subject subscriptions The number includes any proxy subscriptions that the core group bridge service provides on behalf of the servers that belong to different cells. Per server BoundedRangeStatistic All High 5
LocalBulletinBoardSubjectCount hamanagermodule.bbLocalNumSubjects The total number of subjects that are being posted to locally. The number includes any proxy postings that the core group bridge service does on behalf of servers that belong to different cells. Per server BoundedRangeStatistic All High 6
LocalGroupCount hamanagermodule.numLocalGroups The total number of local groups that are in this server Per server Bounded RangeStatistic All High 7