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Learn about SCA composites (deprecated)

Find links to Service Component Architecture (SCA) resources for learning, including conceptual overviews, tutorials, and samples.

Deprecated feature: or later The Service Component Architecture (SCA) programming model and samples are deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. You cannot deploy new SCA business-level applications.

Update your applications to use different programming models. The programming models that you use vary depending on how you previously incorporated SCA in your application.

If you used SCA for binding, consolidate the ways in which your application is exposed to a few standards, such as Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) or Java Message Service (JMS). For example, use JAX-RS for application bindings. To minimize the duplication of binding level implementation, structure your application to use shared code.

If you want to continue to use SCA as part of your long-term strategy, consider hosting your applications on IBM Business Process Manager.