Properties file syntax

To use the properties file based configuration tool, properties files must use supported syntax.

  • The default value of a property is shown in the format propertyName=propertyValue #default (defaultValue); for example:
    enable=true #default(false)
  • Properties that are required to create an object are marked as required in the format propertyName=propertyValue #required; for example:
    jndiName=myJndi #required
  • Properties that you cannot change are marked as read-only in the format propertyName=propertyValue #readonly; for example:
    providerType=stdProviderType #readonly
  • Valid values for a property are shown in the format propertyName=propertyValue #type(range). The range is a list of values using a vertical bar (|) delimiter; for example:
  • A single property can specify more than one of the tags readonly, type, required, and default after the # character. Separate the tags by a comma (,); for example:
    enable=true #boolean,required,default(false)
  • For properties of basic types such as string, int (integer) or short, use the format name=value #type; for example:
    port=9090 #int

    If the type is not specified, the product uses the string type.

  • For a list or array type of properties, use the format name={val1, val2, val3} #type, where type is the type of each object in the list or array.
  • Represent ConfigId or ObjectName in scope format. Scope format is Cell=cellName:Node=nodeName....

    You can also use ConfigId format, but scope format is more portable because it does not include an xmi id value.

  • A property value of null is ignored during applyConfigProperties command processing.