[AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows][z/OS]

Intelligent Management: dynamic cluster administrative tasks

Use the dynamic cluster commands to view or edit the dynamic clusters, without using the administrative console.


The createDynamicCluster command creates a new dynamic cluster.

Required parameters
  • -membershipPolicy: Specifies the membership policy. (String, required)
Optional parameters
  • -dynamicClusterProperties: Specifies the dynamic cluster properties. (String, optional) You can specify the following options:
    • operationalMode: Specifies the operational mode. The valid values are: manual, supervised, and automatic.
    • minInstances: Specifies the minimum number of cluster instances as an integer.
    • serverInactivityTime: Specifies the time to wait before stopping instances, in minutes. This value is valid only when the minInstances parameter value is set to 0.
    • maxInstances: Specifies the maximum number of cluster instances as an integer. If you do not want a limit to the number of cluster instances that can start, specify -1.
    • numVerticalInstances: Specifies the number of instances that can start on the same node by creating vertical instances. Specify an integer value.
  • -clusterProperties: Specifies the cluster properties. (String, optional) You can specify the following options:
    • preferLocal: Specifies whether enterprise bean requests are routed to the node on which the client resides when possible. The valid values are true or false.
    • createDomain: Specifies that a replication domain is created for this cluster. Replication domains can be created only for WebSphere® Application Server application servers. The valid values are true or false.
    • coreGroup: Specifies the name of the core group for the dynamic cluster. You only need to specify the core group for WebSphere Application Server application servers. The value can be DefaultCoreGroup or the core group name.
    • templateName: Specifies the name of the server template. The valid input includes the following values:
      • For WebSphere Application Server dynamic clusters: default, cell_name/node_name/was_server_name
      Deprecated feature: The defaultXD and defaultXDZOS server templates that are used when creating a dynamic cluster are deprecated. Use the default or defaultZOS server template instead.
    • [z/OS]clusterShortName: For z/OS® platforms, specifies the short name of the cluster. After the dynamic cluster has been created, you can use the AdminTask changeClusterShortName command to update this field.
    • [z/OS]serverSpecificShortNames: For z/OS platforms, specifies the specific short name of cluster member in a comma-separated list format, for example: SSN1,SSN2. Use commas to separate multiple short names. If you do not provide enough short names to be used for all of the cluster members, then the remaining cluster members are assigned generated generic short names, such as BBOS001, BBOS002, and so on. After the dynamic cluster has been created, you can update this list with the serverSpecificShortNames custom property. This property is set on the dynamic cluster. If you want to change this property with scripting after the dynamic cluster has been created, you can use the AdminTask changeServerSpecificShortName command.

Return value

The command returns javax.management.ObjectName value of the dynamic cluster that you created.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createDynamicCluster dcName {-membershipPolicy node_nodegroup='ngName'}


    $AdminTask createDynamicCluster dcName {-membershipPolicy "node_nodegroup = 'ngName'" -dynamicClusterProperties 
    "{operationalMode automatic}{minInstances 0}{maxInstances -1}{numVerticalInstances 1}{serverInactivityTime 1440}" 
    -clusterProperties "{preferLocal false}{createDomain false}{templateName default}{coreGroup DefaultCoreGroup}
    [z/OS]{clusterShortName BBOC001}{serverSpecificShortNames BBOS001,BBOS002}"} 
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.createDynamicCluster(dcName,'[-membershipPolicy "node_nodegroup = \'ngName\'" -dynamicClusterProperties 
    "{{operationalMode automatic}{minInstances 0}{maxInstances -1}{numVerticalInstances 1}{serverInactivityTime 1440}}" 
    -clusterProperties "{{preferLocal false}{createDomain false}{templateName default}{coreGroup DefaultCoreGroup}
    [z/OS]{clusterShortName BBOC001}{serverSpecificShortNames BBOS001,BBOS002}}"]') 
    or, if you are running on WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 or later:
    AdminTask.createDynamicCluster('dcName','[-membershipPolicy "node_nodegroup = \'ngName\'" -dynamicClusterProperties 
    "[[operationalMode automatic][minInstances 0][maxInstances -1][numVerticalInstances 1][serverInactivityTime 1440]]" 
    -clusterProperties "[[preferLocal false][createDomain false][templateName default][coreGroup DefaultCoreGroup]
    [z/OS][clusterShortName BBOC001][serverSpecificShortNames BBOS001,BBOS002]]"]') 

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createDynamicCluster {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.createDynamicCluster ('[-interactive]')


The createPHPDynamicCluster command creates a new PHP dynamic cluster.

Required parameters
  • -membershipPolicy: Specifies the membership policy subexpression. (String, required)
Optional parameters
  • -dynamicClusterProperties: Specifies the dynamic cluster properties. (String, optional) You can specify the following options:
    • operationalMode: Specifies the operational mode. The valid values are: manual, supervised, and automatic.
    • minInstances: Specifies the minimum number of cluster instances as an integer.
    • serverInactivityTime: Specifies the time to wait before stopping instances, in minutes. This value is valid only when the minInstances parameter value is set to 0.
    • maxInstances: Specifies the maximum number of cluster instances as an integer. If you do not want a limit to the number of cluster instances that can start, specify -1.
    • numVerticalInstances: Specifies the number of instances that can start on the same node by creating vertical instances. Specify an integer value.
  • -clusterProperties: Specifies the name of the server template. The valid input includes the templateName value:
    • For PHP dynamic clusters: APACHE13_PHP4, APACHE13_PHP5, APACHE20_PHP4, APACHE20_PHP5, APACHE22_PHP4, APACHE22_PHP5, cellName/nodeName/php_serverName.

Return value

The command returns javax.management.ObjectName value of the dynamic cluster that you created.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createPHPDynamicCluster dcName {-membershipPolicy "node_property$APACHE_2_0 IS NOT NULL AND 
    node_property$PHP_5 IS NOT NULL"}
    $AdminTask createPHPDynamicCluster dcName {-membershipPolicy "node_property$APACHE_2_0 IS NOT NULL AND 
    node_property$PHP_5 IS NOT NULL" -dynamicClusterProperties "{operationalMode automatic}{minInstances 1}
    {maxInstances -1}{numVerticalInstances 1}" -clusterProperties "{templateName APACHE20_PHP5}"} 
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.createPHPDynamicCluster(dcName,'[-membershipPolicy "node_property$APACHE_2_0 IS NOT NULL AND 
    node_property$PHP_5 IS NOT NULL" -dynamicClusterProperties "{{operationalMode automatic}{minInstances 1}
    {maxInstances -1}{numVerticalInstances 1}}" -clusterProperties "{{templateName APACHE20_PHP5}}"]') 
    or, if you are running on WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 or later:
    AdminTask.createPHPDynamicCluster('dcName','[-membershipPolicy "node_property$APACHE_2_0 IS NOT NULL AND 
    node_property$PHP_5 IS NOT NULL" -dynamicClusterProperties "[[operationalMode automatic][minInstances 1]
    [maxInstances -1][numVerticalInstances 1]]" -clusterProperties "[[templateName APACHE20_PHP5]]"]')

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createPHPDynamicCluster {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.createPHPDynamicCluster ('[-interactive]')


The createDynamicClusterFromStaticCluster command creates a new dynamic cluster from an existing static cluster.

Optional parameters
  • -templateName: Specifies the name of the existing static cluster member template. The format of the name must be in the cell_name/node_name/server_name format. If the template is not specified, an existing static cluster member template is randomly chosen. If no members exist, the default server template is used. (String, optional)
  • -dynamicClusterProperties: Specifies the dynamic cluster properties. (String, optional) You can specify the following options:
    • operationalMode: Specifies the operational mode. The valid values are: manual, supervised, and automatic.
    • minInstances: Specifies the minimum number of cluster instances as an integer.
    • serverInactivityTime: Specifies the time to wait before stopping instances, in minutes. This value is valid only when the minInstances parameter value is set to 0.
    • maxInstances: Specifies the maximum number of cluster instances as an integer. If you do not want a limit to the number of cluster instances that can start, specify -1.

Return value

The command returns the javax.management.ObjectName value of the dynamic cluster that you created.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createDynamicClusterFromStaticCluster clusterName {-templateName cellName/nodeName/serverName}
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createDynamicClusterFromStaticCluster {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.createDynamicClusterFromStaticCluster ('[-interactive]')


The createDynamicClusterFromForeignServers command creates a new dynamic cluster of assisted life-cycle servers. Create representations of these servers with an administrative task or in the administrative console before you create a dynamic cluster.

Required parameters
  • -foreignServers [[node_name1 server_name1 ][node_name2 server_name2] ...]: Specifies the node and server names of the existing other middleware servers. (String, required)
Optional parameters
  • -dynamicClusterProperties: Specifies the dynamic cluster properties. (String, optional) You can specify the following options:
    • operationalMode: Specifies the operational mode. The valid values are: manual, supervised, and automatic.
    • minInstances: Specifies the minimum number of cluster instances as an integer.
    • serverInactivityTime: Specifies the time to wait before stopping instances, in minutes. This value is valid only when the minInstances parameter value is set to 0.
    • maxInstances: Specifies the maximum number of cluster instances as an integer. If you do not want a limit to the number of cluster instances that can start, specify -1.

Return value

The command returns the javax.management.ObjectName identification of the server type that you updated.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createDynamicClusterFromForeignServers dcName {-foreignServers {{nodeName1 serverName1}
    {nodeName2 serverName2}}}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.createDynamicClusterFromForeignServers('dcName', '[-foreignServers [[nodeName1 serverName1] 
    [nodeName2 serverName2]]]')

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createDynamicClusterFromForeignServers {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.createDynamicClusterFromForeignServers ('[-interactive]')


Use the createODRDynamicCluster command to create on demand router dynamic clusters.

Target object

Specifies the name of the dynamic cluster.

Required parameters

membershipPolicy: Specifies the membership policy.

Optional parameters

  • -dynamicClusterProperties: Specifies the dynamic cluster properties. (String, optional) You can specify the following options:
    • operationalMode: Specifies the operational mode. The valid values are: manual, supervised, and automatic.
    • minInstances: Specifies the minimum number of cluster instances as an integer.
    • serverInactivityTime: Specifies the time to wait before stopping instances, in minutes. This value is valid only when the minInstances parameter value is set to 0.
    • maxInstances: Specifies the maximum number of cluster instances as an integer. If you do not want a limit to the number of cluster instances that can start, specify -1.
    • numVerticalInstances: Specifies the number of instances that can start on the same node by creating vertical instances. Specify an integer value.
  • -clusterProperties: Specifies the cluster properties. (String, optional) You can specify the following options:
    • preferLocal: Specifies whether enterprise bean requests are routed to the node on which the client resides when possible. The valid values are true or false.
    • createDomain: Specifies that a replication domain is created for this cluster. Replication domains can be created only for WebSphere Application Server application servers. The valid values are true or false.
    • coreGroup: Specifies the name of the core group for the dynamic cluster. You only need to specify the core group for WebSphere Application Server application servers. The value can be DefaultCoreGroup or the core group name.
    • templateName: Specifies the name of the server template. The valid input includes the following values:
      • For WebSphere Application Server dynamic clusters: defaultXD, defaultXDZOS, cell_name/node_name/was_server_name
    • [z/OS]clusterShortName: For z/OS platforms, specifies the short name of the cluster. After the dynamic cluster has been created, you can use the AdminTask changeClusterShortName command to update this field.
    • [z/OS]serverSpecificShortNames: For z/OS platforms, specifies the specific short name of cluster member in a comma-separated list format, for example: SSN1,SSN2. Use commas to separate multiple short names. If you do not provide enough short names to be used for all of the cluster members, then the remaining cluster members are assigned generated generic short names, such as BBOS001, BBOS002, and so on. After the dynamic cluster has been created, you can update this list with the serverSpecificShortNames custom property. This property is set on the dynamic cluster. If you want to change this property with scripting after the dynamic cluster has been created, you can use the AdminTask changeServerSpecificShortName command.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createODRDynamicCluster dcName {parameters} {-membershipPolicy "node_nodegroup = 'DefaultNodeGroup' AND node_property$com.ibm.websphere.wxdopProductShortName = 'WXDOP'" -dynamicClusterProperties "{operationalMode automatic}{minInstances 2}" -clusterProperties "{templateName defaultXD}{preferLocal false}"}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.createODRDynamicCluster('dcName', '[-membershipPolicy "node_nodegroup = 'DefaultNodeGroup' AND node_property$com.ibm.websphere.wxdopProductShortName = 'WXDOP'" -dynamicClusterProperties [[operationalMode automatic][minInstances 2]] -clusterProperties [[templateName defaultXD][preferLocal false]]]')

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createODRDynamicCluster {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.createODRDynamicCluster ('[-interactive]')


The addForeignServersToDynamicCluster command adds foreign servers to an existing dynamic cluster.

Required parameters
  • -foreignServers [[node_name1 server_name1 ][node_name2 server_name1] ...]: Specifies the node and server names of the existing other middleware servers. (String, required)

Return value

The command returns the javax.management.ObjectName identification of the server type that you updated.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask addForeignServersToDynamicCluster dcName {-foreignServers {{nodeName1 serverName1}
    {nodeName2 serverName2}}}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.addForeignServersToDynamicCluster('dcName', '[-foreignServers [[nodeName1 serverName1] 
    [nodeName2 serverName2]]]')

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask addForeignServersToDynamicCluster {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.addForeignServersToDynamicCluster ('[-interactive]')


The removeForeignServersFromDynamicCluster command removes foreign servers from the dynamic cluster

Required parameters
  • -foreignServers [[node_name1 server_name1 ][node_name2 server_name1] ...]: Specifies the node and server names of the existing other middleware servers. (String, required)

Return value

The command returns the javax.management.ObjectName identification of the server type that you updated.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask removeForeignServersFromDynamicCluster dcName {-foreignServers {{nodeName1 serverName1}{nodeName2 serverName2}}}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.removeForeignServersFromDynamicCluster('dcName', '[-foreignServers [[nodeName1 serverName1] [nodeName2 serverName2]]]')

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask removeForeignServersFromDynamicCluster {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.removeForeignServersFromDynamicCluster ('[-interactive]')


The deleteDynamicCluster deletes a dynamic cluster from the configuration.

Return value

The command returns the javax.management.ObjectName identification of the dynamic cluster that you deleted.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask deleteDynamicCluster dcName
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask deleteDynamicCluster {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.deleteDynamicCluster ('[-interactive]')


The getDynamicClusterMembers command displays the members of the specified dynamic cluster and node name. If the node name is not specified, then all of the members of the dynamic cluster are displayed.

Optional parameters
  • -nodeName: Specifies the name of a node. (String, optional)

Return value

The command returns a list of ClusterMember objects.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterMembers dcName
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterMembers {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.getDynamicClusterMembers ('[-interactive]')


The getDynamicClusterOperationalMode command displays the operational mode of the dynamic cluster.

Return value

The command returns the value of operationalMode. String.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterOperationalMode dcName
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterOperationalMode {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.getDynamicClusterOperationalMode ('[-interactive]')


The getDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy command displays the dynamic cluster membership policy.

Return value

The command returns the value of membershipPolicy. String.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy dcName
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.getDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy ('[-interactive]')


The getDynamicClusterServerType command displays the dynamic cluster server type.

Return value

The command returns the value of serverType. String.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterServerType dcName
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterServerType {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.getDynamicClusterServerType ('[-interactive]')


The getDynamicClusterMinInstances command displays the minimum number of cluster instances for the specified dynamic cluster.

Return value

The command returns the value of minInstances. Integer.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterMinInstances dcName
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterMinInstances {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.getDynamicClusterMinInstances ('[-interactive]')


The getDynamicClusterMaxInstances command displays the maximum number of cluster instances for the specified dynamic cluster.

Return value

The command returns the value of maxInstances. Integer.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterMaxInstances dcName
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterMaxInstances {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.getDynamicClusterMaxInstances ('[-interactive]')


The getDynamicClusterVerticalInstances command displays the number of dynamic cluster vertical stacking of instances on the node.

Return value

The command returns the value of numVerticalInstances. Integer.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterVerticalInstances dcName
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterVerticalInstances {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.getDynamicClusterVerticalInstances ('[-interactive]')


The getDynamicClusterVerticalInstances command displays the dynamic cluster isolation properties.

Return value

The command returns the value of isolationGroup and strictIsolationEnabled. String.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterIsolationProperties dcName
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask getDynamicClusterIsolationProperties {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.getDynamicClusterIsolationProperties ('[-interactive]')


The listDynamicClusters command displays all the dynamic clusters in the cell.

Return value

The command returns each of the dynamic cluster names. String.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask listDynamicClusters
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask listDynamicClusters {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.listDynamicClusters ('[-interactive]')


The listDynamicClusterIsolationGroups command displays all the dynamic cluster isolation groups in the cell.

Return value

The command returns a list of the dynamic cluster isolation groups. String.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask listDynamicClusterIsolationGroups
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask listDynamicClusterIsolationGroups {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.listDynamicClusterIsolationGroups ('[-interactive]')


The listDynamicClusterIsolationGroupMembers command displays the dynamic cluster isolation group members for the specified isolation group.

Return value

The command returns a list of the dynamic cluster isolation group members. String.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask listDynamicClusterIsolationGroupMembers isolationGroupName
  • Using Jython string:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask listDynamicClusterIsolationGroupMembers {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.listDynamicClusterIsolationGroupMembers ('[-interactive]')


The modifyDynamicClusterIsolationProperties command modifies dynamic cluster isolation properties.

Optional parameters
  • -isolationGroup: Specifies the name of the isolation group. (String, optional)
  • -strictIsolationEnabled: Indicates if strict isolation is enabled. (String, optional)

Return value

The return value is void.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask modifyDynamicClusterIsolationProperties dcName {-isolationGroup isolationGroupName -strictIsolationEnabled true}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.modifyDynamicClusterIsolationProperties('dcName', '[-isolationGroup isolationGroupName -strictIsolationEnabled true]')

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask modifyDynamicClusterIsolationProperties {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.modifyDynamicClusterIsolationProperties ('[-interactive]')


The setDynamicClusterOperationalMode command sets the operational mode for the dynamic cluster.

Required parameters
  • -operationalMode: Specifies the operational mode of the dynamic cluster. Set the value to automatic, manual, or supervised. (String, required)

Return value

The return value is void.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask setDynamicClusterOperationalMode dcName {-operationalMode manual}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.setDynamicClusterOperationalMode('dcName', '[-operationalMode manual]')

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask setDynamicClusterOperationalMode {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.setDynamicClusterOperationalMode ('[-interactive]')


The setDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy command sets the membership policy for the dynamic cluster.

Required parameters

Specifies the membership policy subexpression. (String, required)

Return value

The return value is void.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask setDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy dcName {-membershipPolicy node_nodegroup='ngName'}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.setDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy('dcName', '[-membershipPolicy node_nodegroup=\'ngName\']') 

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask setDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.setDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy ('[-interactive]')


The setDynamicClusterMinInstances command sets the minimum number of cluster instances for the dynamic cluster.

Required parameters

Specifies the minimum number of cluster instances. (Integer, required)

Return value

The return value is void.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask setDynamicClusterMinInstances dcName {-minInstances 1}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.setDynamicClusterMinInstances('dcName', '[-minInstances 1]')

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask setDynamicClusterMinInstances {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.setDynamicClusterMinInstances ('[-interactive]')


The setDynamicClusterMaxInstances command sets the maximum number of cluster instances for the dynamic cluster.

Required parameters

Specifies the minimum number of cluster instances. (Integer, required)

Return value

The return value is void.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask setDynamicClusterMaxInstances dcName {-maxInstances -1}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.setDynamicClusterMaxInstances('dcName', '[-maxInstances 1]')

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask setDynamicClusterMaxInstances {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.setDynamicClusterMaxInstances ('[-interactive]')


The setDynamicClusterVerticalInstances command sets the number of dynamic cluster vertical stacking instances on the node.

Required parameters

Specifies the number of vertical stacking of instances on a node.(Integer, required)

Return value

The return value is void.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask setDynamicClusterVerticalInstances dcName {-numVerticalInstances 2}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.setDynamicClusterVerticalInstances('dcName', '[-numVerticalInstances 2]')

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask setDynamicClusterVerticalInstances {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.setDynamicClusterVerticalInstances ('[-interactive]')


The testDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy command tests the dynamic cluster membership policy to see which nodes are returned.

Required parameters

Specifies the membership policy subexpression. (String, required)

Return value

The command returns a String [] list of node names.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask testDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy {-membershipPolicy node_nodegroup='ngName'}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.testDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy('[-membershipPolicy node_nodegroup=\'ngName\']') 

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask testDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy {-interactive}
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.testDynamicClusterMembershipPolicy ('[-interactive]')


The createNonWASDynamicCluster command creates a new dynamic cluster of complete life-cycle management servers.

Required parameters
  • -serverType: Specifies the server type. (String, required)

    To see the server types, view the app_server_root\profiles\dmgr_profile\config\templates\servertypes directory.

  • -membershipPolicy: Specifies the membership policy subexpression. (String, required)
Optional parameters
  • -dynamicClusterProperties: Specifies the dynamic cluster properties. (String, optional) You can specify the following options:
    • operationalMode: Specifies the operational mode. The valid values are: manual, supervised, and automatic.
    • minInstances: Specifies the minimum number of cluster instances as an integer.
    • serverInactivityTime: Specifies the time to wait before stopping instances, in minutes. This value is valid only when the minInstances parameter value is set to 0.
    • maxInstances: Specifies the maximum number of cluster instances as an integer. If you do not want a limit to the number of cluster instances that can start, specify -1.
    • numVerticalInstances: Specifies the number of instances that can start on the same node by creating vertical instances. Specify an integer value.
  • -clusterProperties: Specifies the cluster properties (String, optional)
    • templateName: Specifies the name of the server template. The valid input includes the following values:
      • For PHP dynamic clusters: APACHE13_PHP4, APACHE13_PHP5, APACHE20_PHP4, APACHE20_PHP5, APACHE22_PHP4, APACHE22_PHP5, cellName/nodeName/php_serverName.
      • For WebSphere Application Server Community Edition dynamic clusters: wasce20, cell_name/node_name/wasce_server_name

Return value

The command returns the javax.management.ObjectName value of the dynamic cluster that you created.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createNonWASDynamicCluster dcName {-serverType WASCE_SERVER -membershipPolicy 
    "node_property$com.ibm.websphere.wasceProductShortName = 'WASCE' OR node_property$WASCE_2.0.0.0 
    IS NOT NULL" -dynamicClusterProperties "{operationalMode automatic}{minInstances 1}{maxInstances -1}
    {numVerticalInstances 1}" -clusterProperties "{templateName wasce20}"} 
  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.createNonWASDynamicCluster(dcName,'[-serverType WASCE_SERVER -membershipPolicy 
    "node_property$com.ibm.websphere.wasceProductShortName = \'WASCE\' OR node_property$WASCE_2.0.0.0 
    IS NOT NULL" -dynamicClusterProperties "{{operationalMode automatic}{minInstances 1}{maxInstances -1}
    {numVerticalInstances 1}}" -clusterProperties "{{templateName wasce20}}"]')
    or, if you are running on WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 or later:
    AdminTask.createNonWASDynamicCluster('dcName','[-serverType WASCE_SERVER -membershipPolicy 
    "node_property$com.ibm.websphere.wasceProductShortName = \'WASCE\' OR node_property$WASCE_2.0.0.0 
    IS NOT NULL" -dynamicClusterProperties "[[operationalMode automatic][minInstances 1][maxInstances -1]
    [numVerticalInstances 1]]" -clusterProperties "[[templateName wasce20]]"]')

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createNonWASDynamicCluster {-interactive} 
  • Using Jython string:

Edit the dynamic cluster server template

Identify the dynamic cluster server template and assign the template to the serverid variable.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jacl:
    set serverid [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:mycell/DynamicCluster:mydynamiccluster/Server:mydynamiccluster/]
  • Using Jython string:
    serverid = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:mycell/DynamicCluster:mydynamiccluster/Server:mydynamiccluster/')
You can use the serverid variable to modify, create, or delete configuration objects in the dynamic cluster server template.