Determining which of basic mode and HPEL mode is enabled

WebSphere® Application Server offers both a High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace framework, and a basic log and trace framework. There are a number of ways to determine which of the two frameworks is enabled.

About this task

In many circumstances it might be important to know whether the HPEL or basic log and trace framework is enabled, for example, when writing a script whose purpose is to read from any log files of the server.

Since the configuration files of a server can differ from the running state of a server (for example when configuration changes have been made but the server has not been restarted), steps are provided for determining the log and trace mode in various ways.


  • Use wsadmin to determine the log and trace mode that a running server uses.
    1. Start wsadmin.
      In this case, wsadmin must be connected to a running server, for example through the SOAP port. Read about starting the wsadmin scripting client for more information.
    2. Determine whether the HPELControlService object is available.
      If the HPELControlService is present it can be concluded that the server is running with the HPEL log and trace framework.

      Using Jython:

      HPELMBean = AdminControl.queryNames('cell=myCell,node=myNode,
      if (HPELMBean == ''):
          print "HPEL is not enabled"
          print "HPEL is enabled"
      Table 1. AdminControl command description . The table lists AdminControl command and their description.
      Command Description
      myNode The host name of the node
      myServer The name of the server
  • Use wsadmin to determine the log and trace mode that a servers configuration specifies.
    1. Start wsadmin.
      In this case, wsadmin can be connected to a running server or accessing the configuration data for a stopped server. Read about starting the wsadmin scripting client for more information.
    2. Determine whether the RASLoggingService configuration object is enabled.
      If the RASLoggingService config object is enabled then it can be concluded that the server is configured to run with the basic log and trace framework. Otherwise, if the HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging config object is enabled it can be concluded that the server is configured to run with the HPEL log and trace framework.
      Supported configurations: If both the RASLoggingService config object and the HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging config object are enabled it can be concluded that the server is configured to run with the basic log and trace framework.

      Using Jython:

      RASLogging = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/Server:myServer/RASLoggingService:/")
      basicEnabled = AdminConfig.showAttribute(RASLogging, "enable")
      if (basicEnabled == "true"):
          print "Basic mode logging in effect"
          HPELSvc = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/Server:myServer/HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging:/")
          HpelEnabled = AdminConfig.showAttribute(HPELSvc, "enable")
          if (HpelEnabled == "true"):
              print "HPEL is enabled"
              print "No logging is enabled" 
      Table 2. AdminControl command description . The table lists AdminControl command and their description.
      Command Description
      myCell The name of the cell
      myNode The host name of the node
      myServer The name of the server
  • Use the administrative console to determine the log and trace mode that a running server uses.
    1. Log into the administrative console.
    2. Click Troubleshooting > Logs and Trace > myServer (where myServer is the name of the server you are interested in)
    3. Find the Switch to HPEL Mode button.
      If this button is available, the server is using the basic log and trace framework. Otherwise, the server is using HPEL.


For any method selected, the result is that you now know whether a server is configured to use the HPEL or basic mode log and trace framework.