JSFCommands command group for the AdminTask object

You can use the Jython scripting language to display and modify the JavaServer Faces (JSF) implementation.

Use the following command to administer JSF:


The listJSFImplementation command displays the JSF implementation and version for a specific application.

Target object

Specify the name of the application of interest. (String, required)

Required parameters


Return value

The command displays the JSF implementation and version. For example, if the command returns SUNRI1.2, then JSF uses version 1.2 of the Sun Reference Implementation.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jython string:
  • Using Jython list:

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jython:


The modifyJSFImplementation command modifies the JSF implementation for a specific application.
Note: The modifyJSFImplementation command is only available in a mixed-cell environment. MyFaces is the only JSF implementation available in WebSphere® Application Server traditional Version 9.0.

Target object

Specify the name of the application of interest. (String, required.)

Required parameters

Specifies the name of the implementation to use. Specify SUNRI1.2 to use the Sun Reference 1.2 implementation, or specify MyFaces to use the MyFaces implementation that is available by default. (String, required.)

Return value

The command does not return output.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.modifyJSFImplementation('-implName MyFaces')
  • Using Jython list:
    AdminTask.modifyJSFImplementation('-implName', 'MyFaces')

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jython: