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PlacementControllerProcs.jacl script

You can use the PlacementControllerProcs.jacl script to modify the application placement runtime configuration.

Depending on your administrative role, you are allowed specific privileges when configuring the autonomic managers. To use this script to configure the autonomic managers, you must have administrator privileges.


Use the PlacementControllerProcs.jacl script to modify an entire series of application placement controller configuration options. You can complete the following operations on the runtime configuration.
  • Enable or disable the application placement controller
  • Make the specified node managed or unmanaged by the application placement controller
  • Enable or disable a dynamic cluster
  • Retrieve or set the values of additional settings

This script modifies only the runtime configuration of the application placement controller. To make persistent changes to the configuration, use the APCconfig.jacl script.

For transitioning users: The WebSphere® Virtual Enterprise command that equates to APCconfig.jacl is xd_APCconfig.jacl. If you are making the transition from WebSphere Virtual Enterprise, you can continue to use the xd_APCconfig.jacl command, which operates the same as the APCconfig.jacl command.


The PlacementControllerProcs.jacl script is in the app_server_root/bin directory.


To run the PlacementControllerProcs.jacl script with the wsadmin utility, use the following command.
wsadmin -profile PlacementControllerProcs.jacl -c "insert_proc_parameters"
In place of the insert_proc_parameters variable, use the name of the procedure and the proper variable values to complete your changes. You must enclose the procedures in quotation marks ("). You might have to modify the wsadmin command to wsadmin.sh or wsadmin.bat, depending on your operating environment.


You can use the following command to see a list of all the available procedures.
wsadmin -profile PlacementControllerProcs.jacl -c "help"
The following procedures are available.
Displays a list of failed starts by servers that the application placement controller tried to start.
closeLockMultiAPCGate removeAPCID
Closes and locks a gate for a multiple application placement controller setup. The APCGate mechanism can optionally be used to ensure that multiple placement controllers in different Intelligent Management systems do not run their decision-making cycles at the same time. Enabling the APCGate mechanism is important when multiple separate Intelligent Management cells are sharing the same physical hardware.
Disables the enablement of maintenance mode on any servers that failed to start by the application placement controller.
Disables the application placement controller.
disableDynamicCluster dynamic_cluster_name
Sets the specified dynamic cluster to run manually.
disableNode node_name
Makes the specified node unmanaged by the application placement controller.
Enables the application placement controller.
enableDynamicCluster dynamic_cluster_name
Sets the specified dynamic cluster to run automatically.
enableNode node_name
Enables the application placement controller for the specified node.
findBestLocation cell_name node_name server_name
Returns one of three values that indicates an action to take when you attempt to stop a server that is a member of a dynamic cluster. This procedure returns one of the following values:
  • null: You can stop the server that was passed into the procedure without problems.
  • server name: You should not stop the server name that you passed into the procedure.
  • alternate server name: If the name of another server is returned, you should stop that server first.
When running in supervised mode, returns the amount of time to wait for an administrator to approve a task before the task times out.
Returns the minimum time between two consecutive placement changes.
Displays the node on which the application placement controller is running.
Returns the amount of time after which the start and stop operation that is performed on the server is considered a failure, if not completed.
Places any servers into maintenance mode that did not start when the application placement controller tried to start the server.
isNodeInUse node_name
Checks if a node is still in use after it is in maintenance mode.
Returns if this node is the primary node where the application placement controller is running.
Returns if the application placement controller is enabled.
openMultiAPCGate remoteAPCID
Opens the gate for a multiple application placement controller setup.
Triggers the application placement controller to compute its optimization and perform any necessary placement changes.
setMinTimeBetweenPlacementChange time
Sets the minimum time, in minutes, between two consecutive placement changes.
setServerOperationTimeOut timeout
Sets the timeout, in minutes, after which the start or stop operation that is performed on the server is considered a failure, if not completed.
setApprovalTimeOut approval_timeout
Sets the amount of time, in minutes, to wait for the administrator approval when operating in supervised mode before considering the task denied.
unlockMultiAPCGate remoteAPCID
Unlocks the gate for a multiple application placement controller setup.
Enables elasticity mode in the application placement controller. Valid arguments are true or false.
Specifies whether elasticity mode is enabled. The return value is either true or false.
Sets the runtime tasks for application placement elasticity as supervised or automatic. Valid arguments are 0 for automatic or 1 for supervised.
Specifies if application placement elasticity is set to supervised or automatic. The return value is either 0 or 1.
Specifies the amount of time, in minutes, that an elasticity action is allowed to complete before it is considered a failure. For example, if you want to set the operation timeout value to 30 minutes, specify the procedure as elasticityModeTimeOut 30 0.
Returns the amount of time, in minutes, that an elasticity action is allowed to complete before it is considered a failure.