
System controls: Best practices for using system controls

Use this information as the best way to configure system controls.

  • You have the option of using a z/OS® system logger log stream as the product error log. The ras_log_logstreamName property identifies which log stream you want to use for the error log; it has no default setting. If you do not use a log stream, however, messages that usually appear in the error log are directed to server's job log.
  • You have the option of directing trace output to SYSPRINT or buffers. The ras_trace_outputLocation property controls the location of trace output. The default values for this property are SYSPRINT for client applications, and buffers to all other processes. Although you can change the default for other processes from buffers to SYSPRINT, performance is better when you use buffers.
  • You can use the Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) to view status information that might indicate potential problems. The product uses Workload Manager (WLM) services to report transaction begin-to-end response times and execution delay times, which might indicate that changes are required for timeout values or tuning controls.