What is new for scripted administration (wsadmin)

This topic highlights what is new or changed for users who are going to customize, administer, monitor, and tune production server environments with the wsadmin tool.

Table 1. Improved administrative scripting features . Browse the table to learn about new or changed wsadmin commands or scripts.
Command name Description
Migration command group for the AdminTask object Use the Migration command group to generate a migration report about an application. The report details the steps needed to migrate the application to Liberty.

For more information, see Generating migration reports with the wsadmin migration commands and Analyzing your applications.

PasswordUtilCommands group for the AdminTask object Use the PasswordUtilCommands group to configure password encryption by using the Jython or Jacl scripting languages in the wsadmin tool. You can enable, disable, or modify password encryption, and manage the keystore for password encryption.

For more information, see PasswordUtilCommands group for the AdminTask object.